??Mr.Morgan the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


??Mr.Morgan, 18 y.o.


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??Mr.Morgan live sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

34 thoughts on “??Mr.Morgan the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Some guys can’t take no for an answer and some women get killed for saying no. It’s easier to just block the number.

  2. Can you put up with this if it never improves? Because it might not ever improve. Do you want to be married to his mom?

  3. We do actionable advice about relationships that exist right now.

    Is someone cheating on you?

    Are you considering letting someone cheat with you?

  4. Can you send your children with a recording device? Evidence? Not sure of the legality in your place but definitely check it out

  5. What would you do if you were the man? Right, you wanna see her in jail. So the only right thing you can do is telling the man what's going on here.

  6. If there’s nothing to hide just take the test and make him feel stupid………… unless………………….

  7. At first he was too shocked to voice his thoughts and used to dodge give an concrete answer but gradually he became accepting of the fact that i am having his bady.

    As for financial support, I am privileged enough to have a strong financial state and more than capable to raising a child or two financially. But he have hinted that he will be available to provide supoort if needed.

  8. I agree with the others. At this point she is an affair partner. He never stopped seeing her. She either needs to be cut off permanently or you need to remove yourself entirely and file for divorce. He isn't prioritizing you, he's making her his number one priority. They are both making you take a back seat in your own marriage and it's beyond wrong. He doesn't love you or respect you. If he did, he wouldn't continue to do these things against your wishes. He would actually listen to you and make you his top priority. If he wants to be with her that badly, let him go. You deserve a partner in life that is faithful all the way around.

  9. Someone trying to force you into having sex with them when you don't want to have sex with them is about how the definition of rape boils down. And whether you want to use that word for it or not, his behavior was awful.

    I'm so sorry he showed such disrespect and lack of care for you.

  10. So a bunch of people are talking about hygiene, which is a valid point. You say you guys have used it together anally, which changes things. But just so you are aware. Even with cleaning, it's best to use anal toys as anal, and vagina toys for vagina. At the very least use a condom.

    With all of that said, let's move on to the actual problem here. What did she actually say? I think it's important you give her a little space to collect herself and then go talk to her. Why is she mad? Because you used her toy? Because you were doing anal without her? Because you were doing anal in general? It may be she felt that was something you two only shared and now feels that was a lie. it could be because she's scared you're closeted(not saying that's the case at all). Theres a multitude of things that could cause her anger, so you've got to talk to her to figure it out. You said she's not a big fan of anal, maybe explain to her that you felt by doing it solo, it was best for everyone. She didn't have to engage in something she's not a big fan of and you got to enjoy something you enjoy, with no shame involved. Also explain to her how her reaction made you feel. Not attacking her but telling her your emotions. Maybe she doesn't realize the way she makes you feel regarding anal. The only way through this is communication. I highly recommend giving atleast 30 minutes to an hour after the incident so everyone can cool off and not be immediately caught up in the emotions

  11. You need to be trying to have kids now your fertility is dropping like a stone. Having kids at 40 is going to be considerably more challenging.

  12. Why are all these assumptions always made that the man must necessarily have something wrong them? Not everyone has to adhere to YOUR views on relationships. Is there a potential for power imbalances? Yes, but does that mean every single age gap relationship must be immoral and wrong? No, that’s incredibly ignorant. You don’t get to gatekeep relationships and infantilize CONSENTING ADULTS, they’ll do what they want to do regardless of your ignorant moral posturing and virtue signaling. OP just made the mistake of posting about it. Plenty of people are HAPPILY in age gap relationships and they couldn’t give a shit what people like you have to say about it.

  13. You've been with her for 1.5 years, no ring, no kids, and she expects to be consulted regarding your decision to go to med school? No thanks.

  14. You need to talk to him more about this. If the behavior continues and he won’t change then y’all are just sexually incompatible

  15. You’re probably hurt. So I won’t insult you.

    You cannot fix a relationship ALONE. I repeat YOU CANNOT FIX A RELATIONSHIP ALONE! You cannot control her actions or behavior. I repeat YOU CANNOT CONTROL HER ACTIONS OR BEHAVIOR.

    You can only control your own actions and behavior. She is checking out of the relationship and choosing another man over her family. You must never give up your “trump card” – the trump card is called breaking up and divorce.

    Boundaries. You must know what they are. You must. If I befriend BILL from accounting I must set boundaries as to “what will end our friendship”. I don’t even need to tell BILL. If he likes to kill people. Guess what it makes my decision to NOT be bill’s friend that much easier. Because I don’t date or befriend serial killers. Sorry sally from sales but you’re a serial killer so I’ll pass. That’s setting the bar pretty low, but it gets the point across.

    If my girlfriend cheats. Whoops! Bye bye hun you done goofed! Will I be disappointed – yes. Will I grieve the loss of my girlfriend – yes. Do I need her or does my life revolve around her entirely – NO!

    Cheating is setting the bar really low. If the rules are set for a relationship you cannot cheat to get around them. Without proper enforcement – rules cannot really exist.

    So you must enforce the rules. The time for bluffing is over. Your only form of penalty is to leave the person. Divorce is the penalty for those that cheat or abuse.

    Here’s an allegory.

    Two men carry a basket of berries to their village. Each holds a handle on each side of the basket. One person can carry the basket alone but it will hurt and be harder and the baskets handles might cut into the skin a bit. The journey is long. It’s easier with a partner.

    So the two men carry the basket half way before the big man says he wants to stop a minute for a break. “Okay”the smaller man replies. They stop for a minute. The smaller man says “Okay let’s go”.

    The bigger man says “Don’t try to control me. I just need to sleep for a bit.” The smaller man says “Okay”. The big man sleeps. The smaller man says, “It’s getting late let’s go”. The bigger man stands up and takes a big bowl full of berries with him over to a stump and begins eating them. The smaller man is getting upset “come on, we have to get back and those berries are for the village, don’t eat them!”. The big man laughs and says “You are so uptight. You’re always like this. Calm down. You think you know so much, but you are really stupid sometimes. Everyone at the village laughs at your jokes. You must think you’re so funny, but I don’t think you are. I’m JUST watching the sunset.”

    The small man is hurt by his words. And thinks maybe I am being too uptight. Maybe I should calm down. Maybe I’m not as smart as I think. Maybe I’m not as funny as I think”. So they watch the sunset.

    The small man stands up, “Okay we’re leaving come on”. The big man laughs, stands up and punches the small man in the face. “I am not ready to leave yet” the big man says. The big man sees the cave nearby and says out loud “Wow, I want to see what’s in that cave!”.

    The small man is hurt and stands up. “But we have to go. We made a promise to deliver these berries”. The big man gets angry. “I’m going into the cave, I’m not ready to go back yet. Oh I get it. Hahaha! You’re scared aren’t you small man!? You’re just scared of the cave!”

    The small man shrugs. “I just want to go back now” he sadly says.

    The big man walks toward the cave. The small man follows, with the basket of berries in both hands. Both men wander into the darkness and get mauled and eaten by a bear. The end.

    The small man allowed the big man to do as he pleased and didn’t just walk away with the berries. Instead he followed him around like an idiot. He realized he couldn’t reason with the big man and he couldn’t force the big man. So he just followed him. He didn’t set boundaries.

    He never even considered that he could carry the basket alone.

    If he had set boundaries for what he deems to be acceptable behavior, then it would have been an easy mental decision to recognize when “enough was enough”. He wouldn’t have gotten eaten by a bear and the village would have gotten their berries.

    This allegory was a tragedy, but your life doesn’t have to be.

    Other people cannot make you happy. Only you can make you happy. By sleeping, going for walks, savoring delicious food, and experiencing new things that interest you, or participating in a hobby.

    You have the option to walk away. Let her go into the dark cave. Do not follow. Do not be the small or big man. Be a man that is kind, and protects the people in his life that he is responsible for.

    You aren’t responsible for a wife that is choosing to go on a cruise with the guy she cheated on you with years ago. You cannot be responsible for the big man that walks into a bears den. Let him go. Pity him. Be sad that he would leave. Be disappointed in his choices. But do not follow.

    Simply turn around. Lift the basket of heavy berries. Let the baskets handles dig deep into your skin. If you cry it’s alright. You’re on this journey alone now and nobody will see your tears. Process all of the pain so you never forget to be proud of the day you stood up, not just for yourself, but for all of the people in your village, your children, all of the people you care about that respect your love and acceptance.

    Being a man isn’t about how big or small you are. It is about being responsible for other people. Being responsible for others makes you a man.

    You know what you have to do. Carrying that weight of being a parent alone is hard. I should know.

    But you can do it. Good luck.

  16. we did go out on dates quite frequently in the first few months after she moved here but for the past few months she seems very reluctant to going out for anything. How do I tell her to go out with me without seeming like I'm forcing her to do so?

  17. Your self-esteem is in the dumps because she is overly critical… But I don't think she's intentionally trying to put you down. It will take a lot of work on her part to change that part of her but the first step alone is difficult– getting her to agree that she has issues. And even with that people can't change overnight and some can't change at all.

  18. Does everybody asking why can't both dads get a dance not care that OP's bio dad was cheated on, had his child stolen from him by his ex-wife and her lover, was probably forced to pay child support for a daughter he never got to see, missed nearly her entire life, and had another man step into his role against his will? And said other man helped set all these events into motion?

  19. Mhm, that depends on a lot of factors.

    I know some coworkers who gave each other (non sexual) massages and it's not a big deal. Some coworkers are as close as friends at my workplace. I gave a friend working with me a massage too when she was pregnant and not feeling well.

    So I wouldn't see a big deal with that, same as your partner who casually mentioned it and doesn't perceive it as something bad or trust breaking.

  20. And she can go. Do you really want to take turns with who is happy where they on-line in your relationship? That doesn't really sound healthy. ” I suffered, now it's your turn!”

    Ultimately I think she should go on her own, whatever happens then happens.

  21. Hence why I said it's a bad joke. I'm not against joking about it, just don't become so specific that it might actually make your partner insecure. Being ironic is a good option there. If she went with something that sounds plausible but is opposite in reality, he won't feel upset. Atleast I think so.

  22. “She sleeps like Rocky Balboa, but now I look like Rocky Balboa!”

    Or actually wear an eye patch and make pirate jokes. The eye patch can be helpful for healing if the injury is making your eye light sensitive (even though you can’t open your eye, it can still be sensitive to light through the skin).

    It is also polite to wear an eyepatch to cover a grotesque bruise because then people won’t be forced to stare at it. Or awkwardly avoid staring at it. It also might help keep the conversation not focused on it. I can’t imagine it’s easy to not stare at the giant purple swollen eye and think of anything else at the same time.

  23. she accused me of being controlling and compared me to her ex

    I stopped reading here. You know, where she compared you to her violent, abusive baby daddy.

    Get the fuck out while you still can. Otherwise you'll end up baby daddy number two.

  24. I think you are having a really nude time understanding boundaries.

    First of all, secretly recording an argument and then posting it this way is a huge boundary violation on your part.

    IDK but I think if my BF just got out of the hospital for cancer treatments, I might dial back all my inner turmoil and just lay down with him and encourage him to rest. You can always get back up once he falls asleep.

    Plus all the invalidating his feelings and crying and begging him to listen to you and talk to you must be really exhausting for this cancer patient that just discharged from the hospital.

    I understand you have CPSD. If you can't maintain control of your emotions, maybe it's better for him to temporarily have another support person. Right now he's supposed to be concentrating on eliminating stress, resting, staying hydrated and eating nutrition dense foods. He's sure not supposed to be doing whatever this is.

  25. She doesn’t get to tell you not to talk to other people if she’s out there fucking another guy. Leave her behind. You’re young, don’t waste anymore time on her.

  26. Serve him with an eviction notice. Seriously, get a legal eviction notice and give it to him. That will be the first step. If you are i the US I think you have to give him 30 days to get out. I suggest using a lawyer, but if you can't afford that you can probably find one live or call the local sheriff's office to see how to handle it.

    Before serving him the notice take a video of everything in your home and make sure you capture the condition of everything in case he decides to be destructive.

    When you give him the notice tell him the relationship isn't working for you (do not elaborate with reasons). If he asks why, say it again.

    Make sure you have a friend near when you do this. If he threatens to hurt himself he may also try to hurt you. There is a fine line between the two.

    If his stuff isn't gone in 30 days you can sell it. Let him know that you will so he doesn't drag this out. If you need a strong person to help you get a relative or friend to be there, too.

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