♥ Ashley ♥ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


♥ Ashley ♥, 19 y.o.


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♥ Ashley ♥ online sex chat

Date: November 4, 2022

27 thoughts on “♥ Ashley ♥ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Fights are normal but he attacks her every single time she brings up the subject of having kids, which is a perfectly reasonable and normal conversation to have in a marriage.

  2. I’m sure you don’t think your boyfriend has the ‘ideal body’ unless he so happens to look like Chris Hemsworth or Henry Cavill.

    We all have imperfect bodies – it’s your job, and your partners job, to lift each other up and make each other feel sexy, confident and loved.

    Stop asking questions which tear down your self confidence. Make sure your boyfriend knows how attractive you find him, and if your boyfriend can’t do the same for you then be prepared to walk away because you deserve no less.

  3. I don't know if your situation would allow this, but could you stay with family/friends for several days? Maybe if he had to deal with the daily cleanup he would understand more.

  4. A lot of people aren’t great with untrained animals. A large percentage of those people are great with trained ones. Rehoming should never be the first option as a solution

  5. yeah, at the time it made me feel terrible but now 20 years later I recognize it as being a really crappy thing to say. However, it was probably in the top 3 worst things he ever said, so in the context of a failed 3 year relationship, not all that bad.

  6. What a waste of the last few years of your 20s. Man with kid and baby mama problems and doesn’t communicate with you except for when he wants to. Yeahhhhh let him go…there’s literally replicas of him if you are still wanting this type of arrangement with another man ?

  7. You are too young to be worrying about that, it may have been an excuse for a breakup because he couldnt find anything wrong with you as well so he resorted to that or it may be that someone who doesn't have divorced parents think that things cant be talked over. In any case just move on, he isnt going to figure anything out and he made clear with his actions while you were crying that he didnt want to be with you

  8. I think your gf is going about taking her the Benadryl in a weird way but I think a short term solution is to move the cats food/water bowls somewhere else.

    I would suggest you may have a deeper issue with her response to a reasonable request about medication safety.

    Maybe get her a weekly pill dispenser that she can keep in the drawer so she can have it prepared for easy access.

  9. 100%. If he wants the test despite no reason to doubt OP, I’d do this to be as equally petty and insulting/embarrassing to him

  10. Sounds like she was not at a point to be ready for this conversation yet…. 6 months in she may not want to put a future in place yet. Either enjoy the now until she is ready to make serious plans or this isn’t the one for you….

  11. Aside from protecting yourself! Protect the baby. He’s a mistake, she’s not. There’s tons of resources if you keep her. Adoption is always an option. Cut your losses and leave. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation

  12. Your husband needs to figure out a method to get himself up. I recommend setting an alarm on his phone and then setting another alarm across the room that he has to get up to turn off. (that's what works for me)

    I've been getting myself up and ready since I was a kid and so have most people.

    This is not your problem to deal with. He can get himself up, but he chooses not to. He needs to think about what his motivation for that is. Don't wake him up and don't wait for him. Leave when you need to leave. Don't engage with him if he wants to blame you for being late or he wants to argue with you.

    My husband frequently forgets to set his alarm. I leave him alone and let him deal with the consequences. Somehow he always manages to be on time for work, he'd just prefer to have more time to drink his coffee first.

  13. The fact that you are only worried about the fact that you won't be able to hook up with other women because she is telling people shows that's not true. It is who you are.

  14. I agree with you, that my husband messed up as well, he knows it to and has admitted to me, and apologized, he just said the moment he realized he saw me getting slapped and made sure I was ok he looked at my father and just saw red, he said he can’t promise not to do it again if something similar happens but he said he will try to control it.

  15. Yeah it reads really fake. She would be more sore than just spotting if she was raped on xanax as a virgin. She would most likely feel the effects of the xanax the next day, overly groggy and fuzzy.

  16. She really isn't good at all. This is not her finest moment. She destroyed OP's relationship with his BF. That's kinda evil. And, she resents the best friend for her pushing herself on him? WTH. She was on the beach with OP. Then, she left OP to have those 15 secs of bump. Then she came back immediately to OP. It IS eeewy.

  17. don't ask questions you really don't want to know the answer to. But really, how can you be mad? if she didn't cheat then you two wouldn't be a thing and you can't really fault someone for hypotheticals. This reminds me of tiktok questions designed to elicit problems no matter how you answer them. grow up.

  18. Then In her bio it said married to then his name.

    You've got a way to contact him so it's only right that you let him know

    I don’t think I’ll ever trust a woman again

    Don't go overboard, now. She's just one person

  19. Sorry I don’t understand how you can just dismiss it as, I don’t want to ruin her birthday I’ll talk to her later. Do you enjoy the lack of respect? Tell her that she obviously doesn’t see your relationship the same way you do. You’ll be moving out, and have to think about whether to stay in he relationship with her.

  20. That kind of disrespect is an absolute relationship killer. You will never be able to get over the thoughts of being inadequate in bed now. She is horrible.

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