♥Kim & Wayne ❤ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


♥Kim & Wayne ❤, 19 y.o.


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♥Kim & Wayne ❤ on-line sex chat

Date: October 12, 2022

32 thoughts on “♥Kim & Wayne ❤ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Maybe say something along the lines of “Hey, when I was on your phone earlier I saw what your brother said and it really hurt me. I know he's young but I don't think him saying something like that is appropriate at all. ” and see where its goes. Surely if his parents found out they'd be disgusted? Good luck!

  2. As a woman with a 1 month old I can tell you she is absolutely taking advantage. The last trimester is naked and I could see her struggling the last month or so but right away? If her job was benefited too it was a huge mistake to quit because a lot of employers require you to work for x amount of time to receive short term disability/maternity. Girlfriend? It’s sounds like you’ve been baby trapped.

    If she’s serious about the relationship tell her to get a job (even if just part-time) for your mental/physical health. If she’s not willing to do that then you’ll know for sure that she was just in it for you to provide everything for her and to mooch.

  3. True. But I’m pretty sure that telling your SO that you don’t appreciate their tone is not, in the moment, the way to diffuse a situation.

  4. Sounds like not moving in together is the best thing for you!

    Personally, eight months in is early enough that this is breakup territory, because they're not respecting an important person (animal) in your life

  5. Alternative to adoption was abortion which you rejected. Do you genuinely believe you're able to provide your child better life than adoptive family, being unemployed, homeless, and with no social support system? Adoption should be your first option.

    People are being harsh because you spent the second part of your post whining and expecting your new partner to “care” about a child he explicitly said he doesn't want. The decision to continue pregnancy was all yours and now you're blaming him for not being excited. You got resources for shelters and options how to continue. Now it's time to put your big girl pants and act accordingly.

  6. You have no evidence for his motives other than the yard work needs to get done and OP is outside a lot gardening. They're bound to be out at the same time.

    I already proposed a solution. Wife does the yard work from now on and hubby kicks back.

  7. Your husband wants a house with a garden for your kids, but you can start a family before getting a house. Babies can't appreciate a house with a garden, they only want to be in mummy's arms. Kids are expensive if you think you need all the gear. I was minimalist: the baby slept with us, and I didn't have a pram. Nowadays there are all sorts of wonderful baby slings and carriers, so no need for a pushchair either. There's no need for a special smart bag to change nappies when you're on the go, and if you breastfeed, you don't need expensive formula either. There is zero need to buy special baby food, you can get a cheap blender to blend whatever you're cooking for yourself. Most couples find themselves inundated with clothes and toys, and even if you're not, it's very easy to find both second hand.

    Kids remember whether or not they were loved and cuddled far more than their parents' material wealth.

    Are you sure your husband isn't just trying to put off having kids until you no longer can?

  8. Please don’t feel insecure as not your fault. Next step: suggest a sexy time date. Then plan around it in a fun way. ?

  9. Nope, not your property. Her timing is deliberate to make you feel obliged to let her move in anyways. She lied to you, deceived you, and having that kind of debt is life changing and crippling.

    She needs to sort somewhere else to live! and deal with her own mess. If you let her move in, you WILL Emma up supporting her

  10. IMO on-line and irl are different. On-line reporting and banning is the most efficient solution where available. And those tools should improve. Ideally yes everyone would stand up and stop bullying. On-line reporting and getting the bully banned would be the best way if possible. And tbh while I think it's important to stand up IRL I know it's often not the smart thing to do if there is staff or something to report the behavior to. Handling things yourself tends to escalate and lead to unwanted outcomes. De-escalating is always the best solution but confrontation is my knee jerk response. And if someone close to me is threatened I tend to forget the smart way of handling things, even though I'm trying to improve.

    Is he a good man in other ways? That's probably most important. And you could talk about if he would defend you if threatened or put himself in the firing line?

  11. why does HE have to sleep in HER bed?

    why does HE have to be at HER place?

    why does HE have to eat HER food?

    I hope HE never darkens HER doorstep again.

  12. They're right, you're not in their league. The back biting shit herd.

    You're above that.

    I am glad that you set the boundaries you did. High school is over, and cliques have no place in a workplace.

    The fact she gave in to their bullshit peer pressure is disappointing, but at least it happened before you gave her the ring.

    The weaponized wellness check was so far over the line I'm not even sure what to say about it. Someone who pulls something like that is empty inside, a void of a person.

  13. Just no.. i used to have a boyfriend like this as well.. He actually did it without permission, and i have nothing to hide. Well anyway we broke up because he started accusing me of cheating. So be mindful, my relationship didn't end well. And he cheated not me, in the end. So.. no. You absolutly do need trust in a relationship without it you have nothing. You don't have to see eye to eye. That's an option too

  14. yeah i think you are right.

    tbh i only went back with her because she did not had anyone at the time, even before i have been insisting that she need a new boyfriend, not trying to excuse myself, just claryfying

  15. It’s like interviewing for a job which was a bad fit and the company calling you up for an unpaid internship instead

  16. Yes!! I’ve had a couple friends who act like that and safe to say, we aren’t friends anymore. It’s infuriating to sit there and listen to all of someone’s problems and be asked for advice, but then have them NEVER follow that advice and sink deeper into their toxic relationship. It’s fucking exhuasting

  17. I don't know that it would ruin it, but it would be reasonable to assume he won't be as attracted to you after. Fake tits are far less enjoyable to play with, and unless they're very, very well done they will also look fake. You'll need to talk to him about it, but it sounds like this is something that you were dead set on doing, so if it ends up being a deal breaker the relationship was never going to go the distance anyway.

  18. Not at all. I’m a nursing student and I’m 6 weeks into placement where I spend 40hrs a week. It’s been quite stressful

  19. Oh I’m not going to like “confess my love” or anything, but I am just going to ask to hangout at some point and things like that

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