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Date: October 26, 2022

40 thoughts on “✔️https://allmylinks.com/lucifera1 the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you could kindly point out where said person lands on the hot/crazy scale, i can provide further assistance.

    It's more important/relevant than you might think ? !

    There is a sweet spot thats a yes … everything else is a very hot no.

  2. If you really trust him it shouldnt be a problem to be around people having sex because he wouldnt do anything. It might cross boundaries but you would still know he didnt do anything. But YOU dont trust him. Thats why you hop on reddit to have strangers jump on the distrust train. Nobody here knows you or your partner or your history. The fact you are suggesting midnight curfew and you are snooping around on his phone and finances shows a great level of distrust. On that I as a partner would never tolerate.

  3. Hello /u/Equal-Weight9407,

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  5. We have sex once a month or so and I am very clear on how I feel about her. I do everything that’s needed from a man in a relationship. I just don’t feel the love reciprocating, although she’s made it clear she loves me. I fear that her lack of intimacy and affection is permanent and will sabotage our future. We’ve been together for 4 years. It’s either get married and have kids or break it off.

  6. Hello /u/oskar_westwood,

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  7. Apparently, from OP's other comments, she gave him “protection-free birthday sex”… so he did an absolute stupid and regrets it. It's unfortunate, but if he doesn't want to have kids, as a man, his options are wrap it up, stick to anal or bjs only, or get snipped.

  8. I know a couple of guys that had kids because their wives wanted kids. One worked out great and he's a great dad, and enjoys it. The other worked out kind of shit and he's miserable.

    You two need to talk out what this means for both of you.

    Sometimes people don't want kids but are glad to have them anyway, some aren't.

    Some people have kids and regret it. Some people don't have kids and regret it.

    We wouldn't be human if we didn't fuck up most of the time.

    Talk it out with your girlfriend, maybe you'll change your mind, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll regret your choice later in life, maybe you won't.

    I'm probably not going to have kids, but if it happens, that's life, you make it work.

  9. Tried to reconnect/ be friends with an ex when I was 23. I was with them from 15-19yrs old. Same things went on between us as you went through.

    It didn’t go well. I get a sick stomach just thinking about being around them.? But to each their own.

  10. You missed the opportunity for your daughter to possibly bond with you all. Disneyland may have made her receptive to it. Now, you'll never know.

    His daughter specifically moved out of the house to get away from her siblings and is vocally anti-kid.

    Oh yeah, and she's also A GROWN ADULT who needs to get her shit together. Missing out on a Disney trip is the least of her worries if, in her mid-20's, she can't cover her own basic living expenses.

  11. It's not the same in the fact that beard makes WAY less time to emerge and grow than hair, a buzz cut would take 2/3 years to grow back when a beard maybe 1/2 months ? It's really not the same social impact either but it's too early to talk about that, anyway it's not a good compromise to talk to her about her hair

  12. This is all pretty odd. First, the child is not yours so im pretty sure you wouldn’t be legally obligated to pay child support, ever.

    Why is she concerned with this though? If you two were to get married would she quit her job outside the home and therefore depend on alimony if you divorce until she was employed again?

    She can research laws in her state, or talk to a lawyer or financial planner.

  13. Yesterday would’ve been the first time we attempted to discuss social media expectations (I.e: she expects me to post on certain occasions) but I was baffled that we were having a conversation of that subject.

    For added context: I post on social media when I’m usually on Vacation/holidays. I was in the Caribbean (my birth country) in December and hanging out with friends so I was actively posting them. I returned to Canada and it’s cold and I’m back to my rotuine so not posting as much now. I dont post everyday activities.

    Regarding her, I’ve posted on few occasions like her birthday and in the Christmas (she pressured me to). The argument is that I always post my friends/food but never her.

    We’ve also argued about her posting too much on social media, her posting my private life when I don’t want it to be posted (my house, my bedroom, where we’re at etc,) and me not posting her enough (in comparison to my friends )

  14. Yeah but if I were the husband, I would’ve wanted to hear “just letting you know, my ex reached out to me and wanted to meet, but I already told him no.”

    Trust me, the fact that you openly considered it with him, though not grounds for divorce, likely bothered him at a really deep level, and now it’s on you to fix the problem you started

  15. He can disagree with it while still respecting her opinion / views.

    Porn is a disgusting industry where sex trafficking is rampant – I wouldn't want to be with somebody who supports this industry either, and especially not somebody who can't even have a mature conversation about the subject.

  16. Yes the sitting them down part is going to be very hot cause whenever I try to explain my side and what I want in my life or what I am doing my mom immediately gets upset and starts to yell…

    My fiancés side of the family are really nice and supportive and happy for us so it makes me really sad that we can’t get that supportive from my side of the family.. it makes me feel embarrassed of my family…

    My fiancés family hasn’t even met my family cause my mom refuses to meet anyone and doesn’t even allow my dad to make decisions to meet them.. it’s been very hot and embarrassing to explain it to my fiancés family side cause I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable with this whole situation…

  17. Right? If she liked him SO MUCH why did she cheat? If she didn’t like him that much and wasn’t sure about the relationship, why wasn’t she upfront and said “I’m seeing other people”? If she kept quiet for 6 years, why tell him know? So many strange things.

  18. But now he’s pressuring me to take a test and show him the results TODAY after he gets off work.

    Well, this should tell you all you need to know about this relationship. In a way, it's a good thing that this happened, so you can see him for what he is. Demanding and controlling.

    Normally, I would say just tell him what you are going to do, but the fact that he is making demands changes everything. His attitude gets him the big NO. He doesn't get to make demands of you. Period. End of story.

    Then, just move forward and get the abortion that you know is the best thing for you at this moment in your life. Good for you, being so smart! I did the same thing at your age and never regretted it for a moment.

    Everything will be fine, as long as you terminate this relationship!

  19. Oof. Maybe your family could see if he will walk away for a small amount of money. You probably should not reach out to him as that is what he wants. Bring proof of his threats to court or to mediation if he won’t agree to settle for a smaller amount. Sometimes as lawyers we have to tell people to settle for something that is totally not fair, but in the long run people just pay and walk away for a better life.

  20. “I would divorce him” isn’t telling OP they should divorce him.

    Destroying the income which supports your family in this way is so monumentally stupid it speaks to an enormous character flaw which indicates someone is not a trustworthy life partner. Totally reasonable to look at divorce in this situation.

    If you want to be in a relationship with someone this thoughtless be my guest, there are plenty out there. Don’t expect everyone else to hold your low standards though

  21. OP, this is a guy who spent years lusting for you despite the fact that you were dating his friend then he pounced on you as soon as you were single. Point being, he's not big on decorum, propriety or caring about other people's feelings. Try to just stay far, far away from him. He's a selfish child.

  22. You talk to the guy and try to make him understand that you can't afford that much.

    If he doesn't understand then you don't make that work.

    When my gf and I were moving in together we split bills 50/50 except for mortgage because I earn a lot more than she does. Before we moved we talked about our finances and options and since I can cover mortgage and 50% of bills from my salary without being broke we decided that this will be the best option.

    You and your bf should have same talk to see what will work for you. He can't be like “I wanna, I wanna, I wanna” and no other opinion is relevant.

  23. Is this just normal childhood experimenting

    I hope this is not a real question because I hope you know well enough that obviously not. Incest with an elementary school kid is honestly someone that would be avoided as much as a rapist, pedophile, etc. I think a lot of people hope to never associate or know such a person in their life.

  24. Or maybe instead of continuing to try to force your foot into a shoe that doesn't fit you'll just go find something/someone more appropriate to where your political opinions are in this moment. You can't change people so talking is pointless. You and this person are incompatible.

  25. Funny you are doing everything you can do make him feel insecure about the relationship and then wonder why he has a wandering eye. You guys deserve each other.

  26. It depends on whether she’s running out of time to have a baby.

    The women I know that waited for the right relationship, and the right time, didn’t have kids and it’s the biggest regret of their lives.

    My friend who decided not to wait is happy parent and married now too.

    There’s no “one size fits all” formula for marriage and/or motherhood.

  27. Personal preference, I feel penetration is something that is important to me. That being said I also enjoy giving, and we've talked about that before and it can be a lot of fun, but there's still that piece missing. We had a conversation last night about how to potentially move forward, and a TL;DR of that was basically that there are other ways to try and find a way to make penetration work, but no concrete solution as of yet, which I feel is the biggest issue I'm having

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