❤️HI, IM LIA❤️LET, ‘S RELAX TODAY❤️TIP ON MY TOY AND MAKE ME CUM❤️ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: October 15, 2022

30 thoughts on “❤️HI, IM LIA❤️LET, ‘S RELAX TODAY❤️TIP ON MY TOY AND MAKE ME CUM❤️ the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. what was the point in posting this here ? seems like you obviously know the answer/have your opinion based on ur replies, you should try a validation subreddit nxt time instead

  2. another part of me loves her which is the only thing keeping me from breaking up with her

    There will be a void when you cut her off. It will hurt a lot, but you will heal. This is the issue with co-dependency: two people are afraid of dealing with the void that comes when one leaves the other. Not saying you have codependency issues.

    She is using the bond you both have against you. The longer you stay the more she will realize her control over you.

  3. I think she at least showed some good maturity in understanding how her actions affected you. Often in these situations the person will feel accused, and then become very defensice/dismissive (usually because they are guilty). I think just talk it out a bit more and you guys should be fine. It sounds like she is generally responsible and is able to take your feelings into account (unless she's just saying everything to get you off her back).

  4. His daughter DIED and your saying it's ridiculous his member doesn't work? The loss of his daughter will effect him for the rest of his life, it's not like he Chose to get ED from it. Grief happens it weird ways

    What's ridiculous is being married to someone who uses your uncomfortable/uncontrollable Shortcomings to put you down in a PETTY fight????

    If anything is ridiculous here it's fucking you op. Instead of trying to make urself feel better about being a POS you come live to put him down even FURTHER. I hope karma gets you for this one

  5. So 10 years later you are still not married but you broke up with him because getting married was of paramount importance so important you have not managed to get there yet even though you have had kids!! Sorry this makes no sense as you could have stayed with him and been in the exact same position with the man you loved so deeply. In fact he is now married while you are still kicking the can. Maybe he was not ready 10 years ago but was 5 years later. Your unhealthy approach of not talking but throwing a tantrum and running away served you not!

  6. I don't have an issue with kids staying with their Mom, as I mentioned in my post, I can see why they want that.

    I made five different types of cookies but they wanted cut out cookies in christmas themed shapes and I don't know how to roll out dough. I tried but the dough kept sticking to the pin and the shapes fell apart. I don't mind learning things but after the decorations, cooking the full meal and the desserts I wasn't able to pick up a new skill in a day.

  7. Good point. My bf doesn’t treat him like that so that’s why it’s confusing to me. If it were reciprocal I wouldn’t care

  8. Run, girl, run. He’s a racist and probably a fascist. His behaviour has exceeded being weeb and is straight racist. He is the definition of asian fetish.

  9. Cause dad wanted to bait a racial minority into not bootlicking him so he could throw a tantrum and try break the couple up

  10. I had to reread the ages, because this sounded like some shit I did when I was 19. At 28, hell no. It’s not even about the tits honestly. It’s the fact she got drunk as hell and played a game with sexual dares. I would be absolutely furious if I found out my boyfriend took part in that. The way she’s describing the whole night super casually, says she sees nothing wrong with the situation. You two need to have a serious conversation about lifestyle compatibility.

  11. I think reddit is just such an argumentative place that I think we're always expecting an argument here. It's also difficult to get across intentions or moods in text. I'm glad this one ended well (:

  12. OP. This comment is nothing new from what everyone else told you. Just to add a reiteration and confirmation for you. It's way down on the food comment food chain. It the truth though.

    This is going to hurt. You know it. They cut you and your family out of your lives, years ago!!

    Why?? Only they can ever tell you. I would want to know why. If that's possible.

    One point to remember. If something happened to one of them heaven forbid!! What would happen to the other? Twins have a crazy/sane/insane connection, many don't understand.

    I know that much.

    Bless you and yours. Peace

  13. Has he explained why he doesn't give flowers? I dated a guy once who wouldn't on principal because he thought it was stupid and wasteful to give something that's dying – as well as not very environmentally friendly. He gave online plants instead, which was a nice gesture and got the same point across so I was ok with it.

    But tbh this doesn't sound like that, this just sounds like someone who can't be bothered doing a very simple thing to make his partner happy. Which makes him a bit of an asshole really. I do think crying yourself to sleep over flowers is hugely dramatic, but I get that it's more about the fact that he doesn't seem interested in doing something nice for you than the actual flowers themselves. So… Have you asked him why? That'd be the crux of it for me. Why doesn't he give flowers?

  14. Please use this as a lesson not to force anyone to do something they don’t want to again. It doesn’t sound like he’s very good at managing his emotions or his anger so I wouldn’t be so eager to rush in to marriage and babies with this man until he can deal with whatever past trauma has happened in the family

  15. Mom, you have to be nicer to my boyfriend. If you can't then I have no choice but to have less contact with you for awhile. Nope, I'm not going to discuss it further. No, you've made your points, I'm not going to discuss it further. I'm asking you to try. That is all. No I'm not going to discuss it further. Love you mom but I have to go, talk to you soon. Set the boundary politely, refuse to discuss it further, disengage if you have to. Repeat over and over.

  16. What you do is you leave him. He's 28 and he's not going to change, because he is selfish and immature.

    You know what's in your future if you stay? Imagine having kids with him, and he'll be asking for oral a day after you give birth or when you haven't slept in days.

    And sooner or later, he'll cheat and he'll be gaslighting you because you didn't give him enough oral.

    Cut your losses, tell him to suck it and find someone who actually does respect you.

  17. Has she been in therapy and grief counseling?

    But yes, you are absolutely right not to want to add another child to this situation. But she needs help to come to terms with the fact that she is now disabled and has to on-line within the limits of her disability. And that won't be easy or quick.

  18. I don’t think that’s insane. I think you are starting to protect yourself since this could easily end with him cheating on you- either physically or emotionally. It’s sketchy.

  19. Would sound like a great mother to him. The question is why you are doing so.

    Take some worming tablets. You have a parasite.

  20. While you were sobbing at your father's funeral, during which you were having a serious medical issue, he f*cked another woman. I've seen too many terrible acts of infidelity on these subs, but this is one of the most selfish and cold-hearted acts of betrayal I've read about. This isn't something that you'll ever get over. It's too brutal. Please do not stay with him. I support reconciliation under certain circumstances, this is not one of them. I'm so very sorry about your father OP. Put this garbage human out of your life, and focus on your healing. ?

  21. Of course we can’t! My post was more so to open discussion or just hear what people think. I can’t be trying to find facts in a situation like this.

  22. I wouldn't say you're crazy, but you're definetly ignorant (in a friendly way I just wanna help you out). Bro, leaving a committed relationship because you're “bored” is not a good idea. You're at the stage in your relationship when the two of you are finally used to being around eachother without feeling constant butterflies. You have exited the “honeymoon faze” probably awhile ago. Don't mistake this exit for boredom or staleness. If you leave because of a feeling that you aren't quite sure of, you could end up regretting it in the future, you'll beat your own ass for losing the one person who would take care of you when you're sick and dying. This new girl is just looking for fun, she wouldn't take care of you, give your mom gifts on Christmas, or love you the same way the girl your dating is right now. And I get it dude, I'm a man too, the feeling of lust can really distract us from getting our priorities straight but it's our job to make sure that NEVER happens. Otherwise you'll end up fucking yourself over and hurting your gf who I assume you love.

    Addition: If you feel like leaving because of another reason like she's abusive or being manipulative in anyway such as ignoring you or giving you the silent treatment and refusing to communicate, then ignore everything I said up there.

  23. I don’t think OP has a problem with her going out, it’s that she’s now going out during the week, often to 3am, showing behaviour that differs from her normal (ie drinking more than what has been previously been her limit)

    A change in behaviour like this with her excuse of “it’s a gay bar, there’s nothing to worry about” is a massive red flag, and likely signs that she’s cheating on OP.

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