❤ PAULO ❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


❤ PAULO ❤, 18 y.o.


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❤ PAULO ❤ on-line sex chat

Date: October 29, 2022

32 thoughts on “❤ PAULO ❤ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Take a whole day to be with him doing something both enjoy, could be hiking, practicing a sport or traveling, at the end of the day just say ” thank you for being in my life and let me be part of yours, you are the best son I could have, and I love you” and give him a hug or play with his hair ( whatever you feel is the right vith the vibe for the moment) and smile at him.

    Sometimes we need to be simple and direct to start a meaningful moment.

  2. Honestly, you need to set boundaries.

    “Your music is disrupting me to the point where I can't sleep, study, or relax. I don't object to you listening to music, but I live and pay rent here too, and I deserve the right to have quiet hours. You need to respect my needs and not play music loudly between the hours of [times when you are home and need quiet- at minimum, 8 pm to 8 am.].”

    If he refuses, you may need to decide- can you on-line with this forever, or is it time for an ultimatum? If so, you need to say “okay. I understand that you are not willing to show me this basic respect and consideration. In light of that, we clearly aren't compatible to live! together. Are you willing to stop playing music during these hours for a couple weeks while I find other housing?”

    Or, if he isn't on the lease and you are, tell him he will need to find other housing.

    This should either a) make him understand this isn't a joke, you are seriously in need of change and b) if he really doesn't care about you enough to stop playing music to keep you, you just learned a really important lesson.

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  4. Agreed. OP you crying in front of someone who is supposed to be there for you in these types of very hot, emotional situations is fine. You're supposed to be able to cry in front of your SO. You feel like it was a mistake because she didn't respond the way a caring partner should respond.

    She didn't want to intrude? Didn't. Want. To. Intrude………wtf kind of response is that to seeing someone your supposedly care about being in immense emotional pain? My fucking dog has a better sympathetic reaction to me crying than your gf does for you, hell my 3 year old daughter would even come and hug me if she saw me upset.

    To keep it short I'll just say I was in marine infantry and was sent to Iraq in 2004. I had some rough times when I came back and my wife would find me sitting in a room alone crying and wouldn't even say a word, she would just come and sit beside me and gently ease into to hug and comfort me. It's not intruding to hug someone when they're crying unless they tell you specifically that they want to be left alone.

    I will say that maybe she just doesn't know how to react and comfort others when they're upset. I've known people who grew up in emotionally distant families where your emotions were your business so it's just something they've never known how to deal with. It's something that needs addressed though if you have plans of staying together because you've got years of emotional pain ahead of you, that's just life, and not if your partner isn't trying to help you through it there will be more problems.

  5. Pretty much all the advice you'll receive is to leave him. And you should. I left my baby daddy when my daughter was 6 months old. Being a single parent is insanely difficult but easier than being a parent in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship.

    He is cheating on you. This is cheating.

  6. I’d be willing to give him a chance and that probably would help. The other part of me though just wishes he’d fuck off and leave my girl alone. Before we were exclusive he’d invite her to do dating type things like dinners, apple picking, etc. It’s clear he has attraction for her as she is a very beautiful woman. I have female friends and never in a million years would I invite them to Europe without thinking of possibly hooking up. The fact my gf calls me jealous instead of acknowledging that from an outsider looking in that it looks fucked up also bothers me, hence why I’m considering giving her the silent treatment so that I don’t have this argument with her tonight over the phone and I’ll just text her tomorrow that I was busy. I’ll just wait until I see her in person to bring it up. Just I don’t want to self sabotage the relationship since it’s a new relationship.

  7. There’s so many questions to be asked here:

    1) Is this the only reason you thinks she’s cheating?

    2) What phones do you guys have?

    3) Does she usually nap/sleep when she gets home from her own work?

    4) what do you mean by active/inactive? I guess this is a second part to the phone question. Are you messaging her through facebook or instagram?

    5) What makes you think she was faking being asleep?

    6) How many times a month do you accuse her of cheating?

    7) Does she usually reply quick or does she have a tendency to take a while to reply?

    8) How often do you check her phone?

    Without all this info:

    Sounds like you’re usually paranoid. I mean if I got home from work and went to take a nap or sleep cause I was tired and my SO got home in the middle of the night, woke me up, accused me of cheating, demanded to see my phone, and kept trying to have a conversation while I’m trying to sleep Id be pretty irritated too.

  8. You'll have to research alimony laws in your state. But unless she never gets a job outside the home that probably won't amount to much. She needs to talk to a financial planner, and a lawyer so the child's father starts paying child support. I guess you could talk to a lawyer to find out how you could help provide for them if you divorce, but nothing says you can't or won't change your mind about that.

  9. If it's a recurring problem then definitely break up. It means she sees you as an NPC, an extra in her life's movie. Not as a individual person with thoughts and feelings. Regretfully some people are like that. She doesn't give a crap how deeply she hurt you, she is even deeply insulted that you are hurt over this because it doesn't fit her narrative. She is not relationship material.

  10. Where did I say the dad is a good dude? ?️‍♀️ The bf is violent and he is the one that instigated physical intimidation, not papa. They both suck and OP should take this as clear warning to stay away from the whole ass family.

  11. Well why does the silence annoy you? I find with a partner, you should be able to sit in silence together without it being weird or not. All in all, you need to talk to her about this. You cant read her mind and she cant read your mind either.

  12. Lol your so incredibly naive it’s almost laughable if it wasn’t so sad

    There r many people out there without brain injuries who share the same values and click. Start there

  13. Sorry but he’s not interested, he’s be at your doorstep already if he was since you’re not being subtle about it at all.

  14. Buy a cheap bag of bird food. Put it in a bowl. Next time he does the bird call, throw the bird food in this face, and say, here, parrot, here's your food. If he blows up, say to him, if you ever do that bird call again, you will wake up with all your possessions in trash bags outside the house, watch me

  15. You have a right to be upset at that, however it was better to communicate than just hang up. I suggest you two deal with it like adults instead of this whole ghosting thing. Otherwise, might as well call off the engagement and go your seperate way if you can't talk it out.

  16. Which is a two-way street. Her boyfriend does not consent to have a partner that ditches him this often. Her options are to compromise or break up. Why is that so complicated for you?

  17. Counter-proposal B: She can have sex with anyone she wants from now on because she just became single again.

  18. Him “being vulnerable” has nothing to do with OP making this post literally titled “My boyfriend no longer sends me ‘good morning’ texts.”

    And you literally said “And tell him that. He gets one more chance to come to Jesus” aka one more chance to start doing what you demand. The literal definition of an ultimatum.

    Looks like that echo chamber sub you hang out in has given you an extremely toxic view of relationships.

  19. That doesn't change the fact that the expectations for him are higher than they are for her. That's just how it works.

  20. Don't let a guy change your desired timeline they change for yours. Yours is more important because fertility. I'd personally go kids first because you're not in your 20s anymore and you can easily get married later. You can start trying this cycle while weddings can even be years in the future if your set on where you want it to be. Plus you can put all that money towards the baby.

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