❤Annie ❤ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


❤Annie ❤, 23 y.o.


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❤Annie ❤ online sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

33 thoughts on “❤Annie ❤ the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Girl I can’t even get him to speak or call or text me back, but I was so angry earlier that I told him if he wasn’t going to reach out to lose/block my number and all forms of contact with me. He didn’t. And I definitely don’t plan on letting it slide. But he’s definitely making me wait on him and it’s frustrating

  2. How are readers supposed to tell if she's interested? The only things you've said about her are that she doesn't initiate contact (bad sign, but not determinative) and that she engages in conversation when you reach out. What part of that are we supposed to see as a sign of possible interest?

  3. So she's framing it now as we were only best friends and not partners, and she wanted to reconnect with a friend. Not exactly how I remember it because there was some intimacy involved.

    As we started talking more and more, I'm not going to lie and say it didn't feel good because it does.

    She was interested in my college major and said. “I'm so happy for you. I always knew you could do it. I know you love that etc.

    We had a great convo. It honestly feels good to reconnect with someone and make amends, and it's awesome if you can stay platonic with your former exes.

  4. that's so awful doe. darn you're right. I feel like he already kinda won though.

    Here's my full story if you're interested that I made in another post that the mods deleted for some reason.

    A man took me out on a “date”. He had invited me. I was really excited, blew off a work project, got new heels, a dress, and was excited to be wined and dined. I really did put in a lot of time, money, and energy trying to impress him and be good company.

    I didn't ask him about whether he was paying and expected him to pay since he asked me out. When the bill came, he just gave me a blank stare. I asked him if he was taking care of it and he just said “No”.

    I got visibly upset and he started bragging about other women that wanted him, then threatened to get up and leave if I didn't pay when I started crying. I panicked about being left with the whole bill. I also was honestly extremely insulted because I had invested a lot getting ready to impress him and was excited to see this guy, and this felt like a massive smack in the face.

    He said we could split it and we both put in our cards. Turns out, he had actually LOCKED his card. The waitress came back and said “I'm really sorry, his card didn't work” and she told me my card got charged for BOTH meals.

    Wanting to be “nice”, I didn't complain, I just said that's okay and signed the check, but I'm wondering if this was my legal obligation. Can I complain to the restaurant?

    I feel as though it was not fair he bullied me into paying for him and I got screwed over for trying to be a good person and pay my share out of respect for the restaurant, even though it was a date HE asked me on. But then the restaurant charged me for BOTH meals because this guy locked his card.

    The guy also seemed very, very pleased with himself that he didn't need to pay and wouldn't leave a tip either, so I had to put down the little cash I had (20) too. It was 100 for both plus tip and this guy refused to pay anything and bullied me into paying for him by locking his card. I'm not sure what else I could have done and feel really bad about the whole thing. Could I have asked to only pay for myself?

    ALSO: since my house was down the street from the restaurant, I stupidly let him talk me into “walking me home” and then when we got to my door, he said he had to use the bathroom so I stupidly let him inside. He then took his shoes off and tried to stay, and I had to kick him out. Thankfully my 30 year old roommate was there, so the guy sheepishly left when he realized another man was in the house, but I'm worried something terrible could have happened. I'm kind of shocked at my naivety looking back. Could he have bullied me into segs too if my roommate wasn't there?

    TLDR: Guy bullied me into paying and I was really really shocked and unsure how to handle it. How do I avoid this happening again? my mom said it would have been rude to ask upfront if he was paying and i wasted my time and feel terrible and traumatized. I also feel as thought I was unintelligent, thoughts? i feel so “soft” and foolish for crying, letting him bully me, and paying the WHOLE bill for this privilege. plenty of women are saying i'm really dumb and they would have just walked out.

    Update: He texted me a week after this ordeal, says he was really excited to get to know me, he “doesn't see not paying as undervaluing me at all”, he wishes we could have kissed, and really wants to meet again. In this case, should I ask him to send me the cash back or just ignore him?

  5. It's very weird and I'd be just like OP, too uncomfortable around him to do anything. But I wouldnt want to apologize to him for not doing anything? Is be upset and ask him to stop doing it and if he didn't then we'd be having a conversation with my perspective taken into account, not his out of the blue sexual comments, those are the problem.

  6. You're calling him to cry and freak out over the phone. He is at work. What can HE do about it? Put up posters and flyers of your cat. Bothering him at his job is childish. Sometimes we need to figure stuff out on our own.

  7. Hello /u/Happy_Active,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. The fact is that sometimes things just end for no obvious reason and you don’t get a chance to go back and clear it up. Sometimes friends grow apart. Sometimes your company just lays you off. Sometimes people just die.

    True. I wish my friendship with her would have ended at least in good terms, but ended very badly :(. At least, it is the reflection of my state that might help in identifying and fixing before getting into other relationships. Thanks, your points are on spot.

  9. She doesn't want you in the group, she wants it for herself. There is no other way to say it. Back off already. If you're “triggered” and have “trauma”, get therapy.

  10. Trust your gut. The way you describe him he sounds almost predatory. Like he was attempting to Love Bomb but was so insincere he missed the mark. And the watching you seems calculated, like he's sizing you up, judging how aware of your surroundings you are.

    I've probably read too many creepy Reddit stories but this reminds me of a story I came across where a PI was investigating a missing person and turned out the guy the missing woman was dating was a “lure”. A good looking, charming guy who would pretend to be in a relationship with young women and get her to go visit him in another city and then snatch her never to be seen again. The story took place supposedly in Eastern Europe so make of it what you will, but it immediately popped in my head when reading this

  11. Okay to address your edit.

    You are lying.

    Read your post again to yourself especially this part “we work together and sneak occasional glances at one another”

    So you have feelings for the friend, and have been flirting with the friend, and have been emotionally cheating on your BF, even if it was one sided (apparently).

    So before you lie to your BF, start by actually telling yourself the truth, and then decide what you want to do about it.

    If you decide to try to stay with the BF you need to cut the friend out of your life ASAP

  12. But why don’t you want to fuck them? Is it because of their personalities, their looks, their humor?

    Or is it because they are trans?

    Because if it’s the later, year, that’s sorta transphobic by definition.

  13. Wow, the entitlement is strong with that one. Would it be nice to get her a little something? Sure. Is she entitled to your gift/money? No.

    Your logic around her having never gotten you a gift “just because” is kind of flawed though. Relationships shouldn’t be transactional IMHO. Keeping score is a good way to get toxic and resentful.

    I think it’s fine for you to spend the money on yourself. I don’t think that’s unfair at all.

    But it sounds like gifts are one of her love languages so maybe in the future, do small things for her throughout the year.

    My partner and I don’t do “forced gift giving” like for bdays or Xmas. We get each other things all year long when we see something we know the other needs or would like.

  14. I believe that could be the case. I know he smokes weed, but I'm not aware of anything else. He's never acted that erratic before and this wasn't something that simple weed could've led to.

  15. Was literally not even trying to dig hey. I just wanted to see if OP responded to any comments without having to scroll and then i saw that… so it's a bit sus.. there are two deleted posts.. but still comments she posted in those posts and they all indicate a relationship with her 55yo boss. Whos she works as an assistant for.

    Read the other comments from commenters in the same post .. and it's very dodgy..

  16. There is no relationship. She’s made it clear she doesn’t consider him as important as her friends. I’d do exactly as Okcardiologist said then the next day pack my shit and move out. It would be up to her to try and repair the relationship if she was interested, but frankly I doubt she would.

  17. He always says he's just kidding around anyway..

    So he should easily be able to stop, yet he doesn't.

    This kind of behavior is a huge red flag.

  18. Dude, are you okay ? She decided to do them with some friends. She likes going out and dancing , she just doesn't drink. I'm not forcing her to do anything.

  19. Personally I would just drop it. Asking for feedback is weird. If anything, you could've asked if he did want to be friends and continued on with being friends before he unmatched but ?‍♀️. I'm a firm believer people can be friends even if they choose to not pursue more.

  20. Ego is definitely in the way. His post reads like no-one is as good as him at this activity yet he doesn't actually have the laurels to back up the level of skill he's claiming. I think the reason why his girlfriend isn't sending her horses to him is because he's nowhere near as good as he thinks he is. Go back and read again the way he talks about his girlfriend and the other woman. It has an overtly negging tone that's pretty disgusting tbh.

  21. I’m sorry but with all due respect you do you know what to do if you felt the same this wouldn’t even be a question the fact that you do not feel the same isn’t leading you to say that you don’t know what to do OK so my advice to you is tell your friend in an honest way that you were not down for the same kind of thing that they are down for but you can be their best friend

  22. Also when he told you you're “overreacting”, anyone would feel the same way and overthink. If you were to stay at your exes house, he for sure wouldn't like it. I feel like he's trying to get you to think that he's a good person and would never do that to you but you'll never know.

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