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❤Krisi❤ find me here – https://onlyfans.com/krisi_kiss_93 ???, 29 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms ❤Krisi❤ find me here – https://onlyfans.com/krisi_kiss_93 ???

❤Krisi❤ find me here - https://onlyfans.com/krisi_kiss_93 ??? on-line sex chat

Date: October 3, 2022

29 thoughts on “❤Krisi❤ find me here – https://onlyfans.com/krisi_kiss_93 ??? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. It wouldn’t sit well with me but genuinely sounds like she just likes having the attention of lots of followers. It is a plus that she told you about it. In the future make a respectful rule that she tells you as soon as it happens? Then you can feel more comfortable possibly because it’s not like you’re finding out after the fact.

  2. It’s rarely women who do this. You’ll mostly see this done by men who have strange values. They date mich younger often and then when their ass and balls are saggy and the 4th 20aomething wife left them again while their ex wife has a family with kids and holidays, they start whining that women aren’t loving anymore

  3. Stop asking about who he's attracted to. My bf came out as bi within our monogamous 6+ year relationship. He's stayed loyal to me, and, while I do know his type of man, it's not something I press him about because I simply do not want to think of him with anyone but me.

    Consider that it isn't him being bi itself that's the issue, rather maybe it's an insecurity within yourself as you fear you cannot compete with men in this instance.

    Stop asking about what he finds attractive, think about how he's stayed by your side even when you thought he was attracted to half of the population.. Why would it change now?

    I admittedly had a difficult time with it initially when my bf came out, but it was something he needed to do for him. As stated we've been together for 6+ years. He came out a couple of years ago and literally nothing has changed between us. He is just more happy and at peace with himself. He never stepped out or anything.

    There's all sorts of weird feelings behind this stuff that no one wants to admit or can. One could assume coming out now is an excuse to be hypersexual outside of your relationship, but I am here to say that it's more likely that this is something your bf has been struggling with for awhile and just being himself and sharing himself with you is the goal here.

    If he has no plans to “act” on his attractions and has never given you reason to think he's unfaithful then truly nothing has changed, he is merely more vulnerable with you.

  4. Am I crazy for thinking that the only reason he would feel the need to hide it is because he has feelings for her?

    No, you're not.

  5. Honestly if he hates cats and doesn't like your cat, then you're in for a rocky relationship regardless of how you feel. The guy for one needs to control his damn emotions. I'm not a fan of cats, but if a cat jumped in my legs I'm not throwing the cat off like he did, i would simply just push the cat off.

    You however also do share blame, did you really need to resort to throwing stuff? While I do think your mom is going extreme with filing a charge, you are still in the wrong for also reacting in a bad way.

    I would be more inclined to suggest that you may want to re-evaluate if this will work long term. He seems to really not like your cat and you aren't going to give your cat up, so you're in a dilemma on which one means more to you

  6. Wow you were so weak to stay four years ago. Should have put her trash butt to why curb then. She knew back then as soon as you didn’t file, that you were too weak to. She knew she could get away with whatever she wanted, and has until now. What you found out is only the tip of the iceberg.

  7. He sounds childish. Maybe being bisexual made him feel feel insecure but that’s not your problem, he’ll be back if you don’t chase him

  8. I think she doesn't feel like it's her space, she moved in with my brother and I. I told her we can upgrade to a larger place so it can be more ours but we can't even find things the same size at the same price.

  9. Your partner has a great deal of years and experiences, unlike you she got to do everything you have not expirience.

    I think the reason she won't aloud you to do it, is because you will open your eyes and would want more, and she will loose control over you, you probably think she is not controlling you, but just this post says otherwise.

    Anyway unless you plan to live like this, I would recommend you try some sort of separation, So yoi can thing about your future and how 12 years difference will look like in a few more years.

  10. Calm down big hoss ? he's literally just wanting it on special occasions for sexy time, where, more than likely, they'll be in the floor in a matter of minutes if not seconds. I mean did you even read the post? Cuz it seems like you haven't and are just assuming shit.

  11. so your gf got abusive and destructive and you handed her over to the lesbian with a crush on her while she was drunk? And you want to stay with her?

    Ashley told everyone a story they believed, you clearly didn't leave her alone if she was there… The truth will come out eventually. I'm assuming your gf thought the bartender was attractive and you comparing her to your mother made Vanessa mad because she assumed you must find the bartender attractive too. She was drunk and irrational.

    She wanted Ashley so you should just let Ashley have her, that's what it sounds like. There's still a lot of this story that's kinda 'had to be there'.

  12. OP, run away.

    I was friends with one of my exes. Our breakup was slightly messy, but after I got married he seemed to show regret and actually care about me and tried his best to apparently show a better side as a friend than as a bf. He was someone I trusted to talk about a lot of stuff with.

    Just found out last month that since we were still dating (9+ years ago) he would lie about me and shit talk me for pity from other women. I was the mean horrible cheating ex who mistreated him and gave him PTSD (he failed to mention it was him doing those things…).

    I knew him for 13 years overall. Turns out he claims similar about other girls after me to his current (maybe ex) gf. Not a dude trying to get healthy at all like he led me to believe.

    Your BF is worse. Run run run.

  13. It's time to walk away dude. If what you say is true, you are in a relationship that is dangerous to your well-being .

  14. Dump her ass. She disrespected you mightily twice. Once by attempting to cheat with a random man, brazenly, in front of your friends. Then striking you, and also in front of your friends to boot. Choice is yours, but self respect might dictate to dump her ass.

  15. This is a lot

    Wanting her to check in with you whilst she's out is fine but tbh a few texts should be fine, you're not gonna get much out of a call whilst she's out

    In regards to her going to her mates, I'd understand if they were one on one but they're not so I'm not sure you have a valid complaint there unless there's some history between them?

  16. It was pretty clear your boyfriend needed space for one night. He asked for that, and you argued that your needs were more important, but unfortunately, it doesn't always work like that. He needed privacy, and he didn't want to argue. He could have had an awful day, or be wrestling with his own anxieties, or maybe he just needed space but… you seem to assume there's no possible reason he wouldn't be able to accommodate you.

    I think it's strange you can't respect that, and want to escalate this into a fight.

    I know you have needs. So does your boyfriend. Imo, you're putting your relationship at risk by not respecting that.

  17. Considering if the relationship has run its course is, all things considered, a sign that – considering all aspects of the relationship – the relationship has run its course.

  18. Does he give you oral every day? If not, next time he mentions it, tell him that getting oral is great, but since you aren't getting it every day, you don't see why he should. Things like that go both ways between partners.

  19. That is it right there….the friend is her friend. Not a secondary girlfriend for OP to hook up with. OP has a skewed view of the world. Wake up or lose the GF.

  20. Your BF is a racist he just doesn't show it to you bc he knows where you stand re racism.

    But if he lays with fleas he is bound to catch fleas..

    His bestie is a racist..being able to tolerate certain things with family is one thing..tolerating racism..that's wrong..if your boyfriend hasn't called him out on this it's bc your boyfriend uses the word too and finds nothing wrong with it.


  21. Yeah, he's been a bit of a dick here. I mean, with your sickness I would say that your too sick to drive, so he would have to drive you, if things got worse on the Saturday, by leaving you alone while your this sick, means that if things got worse, you'd need to rely on someone else to take you to the hospital and/or take an Ambulance if you couldn't find anyone.

    This wasn't just a cold/flu, things could have gotten a lot worse and if you suffered an appendix rupture, it could have been life threatening and he's not there why? Because he wants to get drunk with a friend that doesn't even sound too close? Eh, it makes me sad thinking about it so I can only imagine how it makes you feel.

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