? HERE, ‘S ABBY ? WELCOME EVERYONE! LOVENSE SEX-MACHINE REACT TO YOUR TIPS! LET’S MAKE A GREAT SHOW TOGETHER! the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam




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Date: October 3, 2022

27 thoughts on “? HERE, ‘S ABBY ? WELCOME EVERYONE! LOVENSE SEX-MACHINE REACT TO YOUR TIPS! LET’S MAKE A GREAT SHOW TOGETHER! the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Guys aren't subtle. Tell him directly. I put on a few pandemic pounds that I'm not stoked on, despite being a burly dude. My SO tells me she loves it/loves how I look and it's probably the best thing she can do because I'm not happy about it.

  2. I went through a huge weight rollercoaster over the 16 years I've been with my husband. (Went from 198 to 312 to currently 192 and losing)

    He has always told me how sexy I am, how much he loves me and my body and never cared what I looked like.

    Most days, it was very complimentary. It'd make me feel beautiful and desired. He didn't look at other girls, he was looking at me. Then there were days that it didn't matter how he saw me, it mattered how I saw me, and I hated who that was. In those moments, my husband telling me how beautiful I was, was like my mom telling me I was smart. Like it was obligatory bc she was my mom. On those bad days, no matter what my husband said, it didn't make me feel beautiful or sexy. I saw myself and just hated myself. Sometimes, he'd say “I don't care” (when I'd say something negative about myself) and my answer would be “but I care, and right now, that matters more.”

    The one constant, was that my husband never waivered from his original thoughts and opinions. He still calls me beautiful, he still tells me I have a sexy body (I have so much extra skin atm it's awful) he still put his hands on me, flirts with me, tries to get lucky all the time, all while showering me with love and compliments. I think if his tone ever changed that it would have crushed me, because then I would have felt like maybe all this time he was lying to me.

    So chalk it up to her having a bad day, and keep telling her how you feel about her. Be able to take a hint and back off or else you'll get into a fight over it (“you always say I'm sexy and I'm clearly fat so stfu about it!!!”) And when she's in a lighter mood, go back to your compliments, and always be there as her support. You sound like a great guy, and she's lucky to have you (and probably knows that, too)

  3. You need to break up with her and be clear this is the reason. This is abuse and assault. Sorry this happened to you.

  4. Hiya, “partner” writing this comment.

    Your comment is super hurtful and makes me feel like my side of this experience is invalidated. I have never experienced this before as this is my first real relationship. Therefore I don't know how to feel other than what my initial feelings was. I'm allowed to feel anxious, I'm allowed to have boundaries and make sure we can move on from this without feeling invalidated.

    I didn't shame my partner, I didn't make them feel bad about something that GENIUENLY made me feel super scared. I know they were asleep and unconscious, that doesn't invalidate my feelings and experience.

    We are trying our best to move on from this, and your comment really didn't help at all. Thanks, but no thanks, I hope you feel great about yourself. Have a good day.

    Regards, “partner”.

  5. Wonder if she's the one that's guilty? Whichever. Maybe try calling wolf with your sisters and see if they admit it.

  6. ESH Yes, she is an adult at 25, but she is still your daughter. And you took family trip, excluding her and making her feel as if she is not family. Yes, adults should stand on there own 2 feet, but if she didn’t get to experience these things when you are all you get she might have still liked to have gone now. The experience could have helped to form stronger bonds. She will always be your child regardless of what age she is.

  7. This! Grooming and beard hygiene is so important! People saying his body his choice have valid points, but man, being in a relationship with someone who did not keep beard maintenance gave me the worst breakouts of my life.

  8. Since she didn't seem to grasp WHY it's an issue for you when you tried to tell her, how about showing her the bullet pointed list in your post. Ask her to respond to each one. If, after that, she still feels that you should pay her way through the next few years, maybe you need to consider if you want to be saddled with an adult who won't support herself. You're absolutely being reasxonable with all of your concerns, and don't let her browbeat you into believing otherwise.

  9. This is a dick move. The fact that you think it’s okay to have sex with someone and not tell them is beyond me. It was his choice to make and she stole it.

  10. Well the first time I felt there was true repentance. I have said I have no trust it hasn’t happened more times. I’ve said that phrase “once a cheater always a cheater”. We had a conversation about the Friends storyline between Ross and Rachel “we were on a break”. He says he has changed… I mean he definitely has. We both have. We’ve changed each other. Hopefully for the better. Which is what makes it so naked to walk away from…

  11. You should pause the realtionship (and any plans) until you feel she's been completely truthful with you. I suspect, as you likely do, that there's more she's not willing to tell you.

    Have her understand that only complete honesty will help you trust her again, no matter how painful it is. Good luck.

  12. What the fuck! This is horrible!

    You mentioned your family, do you think you can lean on your family for support? You mentioned your brother, do you think he can help you

    You really need to figure out a way to get out of this situation. Friends or family, whoever can help

  13. Am I missing something? Was there a catalyst to this whole thing? Is she mad you brought your son or something?

  14. You deserve it.

    You need to look at your point of view and the way you perceive things. Your so defensive in this write up monologue you wrote here.

  15. “Shared custody” of an animal isn't a thing, it's a bad idea, and it's not your place to decide it on his behalf. It's very disruptive and harmful for an animal to constantly go back and forth between households; they need stability and such an arrangement would wreck your cat's mental and physical health. Plus, it means that you've decided on a way to stay in his life even after deeply hurting him – this is incredibly selfish of you. Not to mention the potential for fights later down the road over who is responsible for vet bills. You are the one leaving: unless the cat was yours to begin with, you leave the cat with him unless he doesn't want to keep it alone.

    The short answer is that there is no kind way to break up, except to do it honestly, and swiftly. Don't linger around and drag it out, don't wait for when you think it'll be “the right time.” There is no right time for something that is going to hurt him this much. But now that you know you want to do it, you morally need to. It will help him the most in the long run.

    And don't stay with him after you're broken up. If you break up, you need to take the onus on yourself to find somewhere else to live!, while keeping in mind the rent obligation you have with him now and any financial hardship you may cause him. If you can continue to pay rent until he, too, can break the lease and find somewhere cheaper to online, while you stay with family or get a cheaper place somewhere else, this is the best course of action.

    It should go without saying that as you are the one leaving the relationship, you do not get to keep the place you share and kick him out. If you want to break up with compassion, take responsibility for being the one who wants to leave and actually leave.

  16. Your top priority here needs to be not destroying your career. Be professional, don't give her opportunities to impune you, keep your distance to the degree possible. Could be she's messed up because of her relationship troubles. Could be she's mentally ill but functional. Either way, you're the guy here so she could probably get you fired if she wanted to. Don't give her any reasons to want to.

  17. It's not something you should say, I'm telling you it's hurtful and you're like whatever it's not that bad. It's very disrespectful and hurtful it's the thing men are most insecure about.

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