?Taylor And Andy? the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


?Taylor And Andy?, 21 y.o.


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?Taylor And Andy? on-line sex chat

Date: October 30, 2022

31 thoughts on “?Taylor And Andy? the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. My mom gave me a whole professionally done cartoon booklet on types of men to avoid and what to watch out for. I wish I knew where she got it

  2. i also sometimes worry that my bf will get tired of me and he knows that, so he reassures me. the important thing is communication, and i think you should have a talk with her and just try to reassure her and try to convince her to open up to you. while i understand her pov, i also get how u would feel. just be patient and understanding and tell her how you feel and that you want to help her but she has to open up in order to do so

  3. Have you used your words? Say something like “while I appreciate you doing things for me, I don't want you to do things for me 100% of the time, and I sometimes want to be the person taking care of you.” See how he responds. If after asking him to do this and he isn't able to adjust, that just may be who he is. And then you'll have to decide if that's okay with you.

  4. I tried breaking up with him. Not on bad terms neither, he just thinks I'm giving up on us. We are inlove but it's become so toxic he won't let me go. We try to fix it but it seems like it's getting nowhere. There are double standards taken in our relationship, this time I wanted to see his reaction if I did what he usually does.

  5. hey, I am all for sexual freedom and whatnot

    BUT – the daddy calling at dinner the FIRST time you met her family? thats freaking weird and kinda sounds like shes trying to get a rise out of you guys/

    “breed me” – oh boy

    “My safe word is keep going” – I mean, I know consenual non consent is a thing in role playing but on social media? nah

  6. Sorry buddy that’s rough. Therapy is good. Honestly, you just gotta remember that if someone cheats on you it’s not about you, it’s about their character. Good people don’t cheat, plain and simple. People that cheat are going to do it anyway, doesn’t matter who they’re with. Could’ve been anyone, you just happened to be dating someone bad.

  7. Thank you very much for your reply. I know it sounds like excuses but my children attend an international private school where parents do have limited time and dont really talk things other than business, world politics etc. I kinda socialize with them once or twice a month but it feels fake and more build on business. Some are in tech, some are in fashion, some are in construction etc. business. I use to have hobbies like photography but I let them all go. My performance is critical because profitability of the factory directly relates to my take home. I dont have set wage. One month I can bring 10K, one month I can bring 100K. No one around me says “hey, how about you, what have you done for yourself” it is always next dress or activity or trip. I am also stressed because I dont know how long I can sustain my pace without cracking. Some days I feel like an ATM. I do want friends but it feels overwhelming to even try to open up. I did consider therapy and scheduled it. I feel like end of my marriage is coming. She is due to finish Aug 26 but she is talking about spending extra few weeks to attend some events… like kids and I are less important than an event. Her “wage” wouldnt be enough for half of her rent. I dont want to bad mouth my wife. She is gorgeous, smart and loves her children but a big part of me wonders does she love me for the right reasons… like this XX guy, I dont think they slept together but I know she finds him more exciting than me. He travels around the world to set parties and events. He sounds cool, I got no problem with him but I find it nude to swallow that my wife finds him exciting when she has so much at home. Our children are wonderful. Our youngest had a nightmare about mum not coming back home. I comforted her. I dont reflect anything to kids but I think they are sensing it. They all have iphones & ipads so they are accessible to talk to mum but they talk to her less than I do. It almost feels like a slowly twisting knife in my gut and I wonder if I should fight for her affection or try to heal and move on… I really cannot think clearly and I am afraid it is going to impact my professional life

  8. This isn’t a black and white situation. This is his child and he’s absolutely allowed to have his feelings about terminating the pregnancy. I would absolutely have a conversation with him about all your options. I’m not saying have a baby for someone else, but express your concerns with him, and talk about it.

  9. That’s tough. It sounds like you really need to work on this with your therapist. Your bf may not have the desire to stick around while you figure it out, and there may be nothing you can do about that. I would talk with him, explain what you’re going through and how you are working on it.

  10. Be kind but firm. Simply say that you do not have the same expectations in a relationship and that it’s not going to work out. If he insists on specifics just say that’s not productive and you wish him well but so not wish to communicate further.

  11. You’re fooling yourself if you think she’ll ever stay any form of loyal to you. If that is your kid, you just got 18 years of child support to look forward to.

  12. Right so two questions: 1) Is Mia in therapy for her trauma, and; 2) Are you getting a vasectomy? Do you want kids in the future?

  13. It sounds like this guy thinks he can do better. Given what he's put you through, maybe you should let him try.

    You are definitely worth more than how he treats you. You aren't overreacting. That man needs a rude awakening.

  14. You did nothing wrong. This situation is not healthy, he can’t control you. Having friends is not cheating lol I suggest you suggest him therapy, but a 34 year old might be very hot to convince. So, good luck.

  15. The problem isn’t that she’s friends with an ex, it’s that she kept it from you and you only now found out. I understand where you’re coming from. She hid it from you which is why you feel that way. What makes it worse is that a LOT of people will justify it as “it’s none of your business” or “it’s the past” but honesty and transparency goes a fucking long way.

    I dated someone who was upfront about being friends with an ex – and that was greatly appreciated. Good communication like that really does help secure a relationship.

  16. I didn’t know her well enough to tell her

    Then, again, don’t be in a relationship with someone you feel this way about. It’s easy? Date longer before committing. She seems kinda nuts and definitely incompatible. Take it as a learning experience and move forward. But if you feel you can’t vent to your partner they shouldn’t be your partner.

  17. No. Find the cause.

    And actively eliminate that one.

    You are an intelligent husband. Albeit a bit… rational.

    You may need to go by other ways to make her feel like being in need to justify her existence at your house.

    It's a thing reflecting on the outside.

    Born on the inside.

    If she feels bad about being talked to about it… act.

    Deeds say tons more than words.

    (What family does that lady come from?).

  18. Your mother has a lack of boundaries, so you need to be extra firm in setting them.

    “Mom, we decided to put baby in daycare. It’s nice that you’re willing to help but I feel more comfortable having him with trained professionals in a daycare setting, especially after the NICU. One thing you could you do to help is bring us a cooked meal once a week.”

    “Mom, I appreciate you buying stuff for baby, but I really want to own this process of learning what baby needs and coming up with my own parenting style and preferences. I know this is exciting for you but if you keep buying stuff I may end up donating it.”

  19. You should have said “I’m too exhausted to go out for dinner. I’m going to bed, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Instead you let him pressure you to go out to dinner and to drive while exhausted which is just as bad as driving while drunk. So maybe you should have a good hot look at your relationship and figure out if this is a one time thing or stuff like this happens all the time.

  20. Honey, you hold on to that wonderful new boyfriend of yours.

    Your former BFFs reaction is bizarre. She's THIRTY, but she's acting like a 13 year old. The only explanation is jealousy on her part. For the sake of your long friendship with her, put her in a Time Out for at least 6 months. Not as a punishment, but so she can do the work of getting over herself. Shes using a lot of manipulative tactics here: gatekeeping, triangulation, trying to run around and shaming you socially… glad it didn't work, but the fact she tried to burn bridges you had with other people is a big red flag on her. You need to set some boundaries with her. Google the Personal Bill of Rights and you and he use it as a template for your individual relationships with her going forward. Choose appropriate boundaries. Including not sharing any information about your sex life with her or venting about him or confessing anything about your relationship with him to her in the future.

    Maybe she saw herself as the conduit of your connection with him when you were younger, but you're all ADULTS now, and a small age gap in your 20s isn't the same as in your teens… and it will matter even less going forward. When he moved in, you formed a direct connection with him and it deepened for both of you. Its HOT to find a great person in this world, and by everything you've written here, he's always been a great person. Invest in this and see what you can create.

    Your relationships will fall into place, and there's a point where friendships take a backseat to life partnerships. Your friend at 30 needs to stop directing her attention to your life and focus on herself. You need to stop giving a single fuck about her opinion and focus on yourself, and what you want.

    I'm not saying that you're going to marry this guy, or that you should, but enjoy the friends-to-lovers thing and evaluate it like any other romantic relationship. Don't skip out on the courting phase. DATE each other. Give yourself permission to be happy and excited… you have a cute new boyfriend!

  21. I can stay at my mothers house till I can find my own place. That is no problem for me.

    Her parents won't believe me. Her father is a racist and doesn't like me pure because I'm Turkish and thinks I'm Muslim (which im not). She is asian and her father wants her to come home with an asian man.

  22. You might be right, I can’t speak to the general populace, BUT in my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, that’s not quite the case. I’ve seen female friends of mine get out of relationships and then get into others the second they decide they are ready, whereas my male friends (myself included) have struggled for years finding relationships despite checking most of your standard criteria

  23. If you have to ask, they’re a creep.

    I read the first thing you said they were doing, and your boss is a creep.

  24. Often when a partner cheats they do everything in their power to win their betrayed spouse back. In those cases there’s a chance for reconciliation.

    In other cases they run away because either they can’t be bothered to put in the work or they want out for some other reason….No matter what she tells you, she’s a runner. Every one of her actions show that and you can see it too, that’s why you’re here.

    You can expect that in a few months she’ll give you the “…we’ve grown apart…” conversation, followed closely by a suspiciously quick rebound relationship.

    Just be prepared this is gonna end, so hire the best attorney you can afford and get your ducks in a row.

  25. She wants to deliberately create a bad situation with your neighbors for fun? Oh boy, that doesn't bode well for you.

  26. He does it when he's drunk? Not thinking? Ok then prepare for that other woman ending up his BM x 2 Speaking of thinking, OP, why do you bother with this person?

  27. If you're actually dedicated to fixing the relationship, why bother waiting a few months to go to counseling? Personally, it sounds like he's testing the waters with the girl you mentioned while keeping you around as a back-up. Feel free to wait around on him if that's the route you want to go on, but I personally value my time more than that.

  28. Threesomes are a bucketlist thing when you are not in a relationship. Also threesomes are relationship killers. Do with this info all you want

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