Katiemorgann online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 19, 2022

6 thoughts on “Katiemorgann online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I see these posts about smelly boyfriends way too often. Like bruh why is this even a debate. The dude cant take care of himself, how tf can he take care of you or even a family in the future. It makes zero sense to stay with a person, man or woman, who does not want to keep themselves clean.


  2. TBH this just sounds like a guy who probably has a good relationship with his mother and aunties and maybe was raised with a sister or two. If you're truly so insecure that the mere mention of another woman's name sets you off you can always ask to not talk about the women he works with. But you can't ask him to change his entire personality and start blanking half of humanity. Seems he works in a location where a lot of women work (this is called progress BTW, women working is a good thing). Do try to be very diplomatic though if you make this request because unless it's worded very carefully it's just going to make you sound like jealous and controlling.

  3. Is your wife even into women in any way? Or is this performative sexuality?

    Again though, cannot stress this enough- this is not a good idea!

  4. It's difficult to make any snap judgements about his motivations based on what you shared. Sure, it's possible that he's sending signals to his ex to indicate willingness to reopen communications. And sure, he may be wistful about her. But you don't know that. It's entirely possible that he has no ill intentions, and is genuinely mindlessly doing this without accounting for the social connotation or how it may make you feel.

    The point is, you don't know. Well, you said you generally have great communication. That's a very valuable tool. Use it. This is exactly the time to communicate more, not less. I would encourage you to have a very open conversation with him. Discuss your insecurity and how his behavior is exacerbating it, and how you're feeling right now. And if he's a good partner to you, he will come around and find a way to help you feel better, and adjust his behavior to prevent you from feeling similarly in the future.

    And think of this.. “shame” thrives in the dark. When you conceal it and protect it from yourself and others. So shine a big ass light on it. Be brave and be confident, in spite of what your insecurities. Challenge yourself to be bold, and don't hide anything. And when you do, you'll discover that you're a more much capable person than you give yourself credit for.

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