Delfina Fane the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


Delfina Fane, 23 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Delfina Fane

Delfina Fane on-line sex chat

Date: October 20, 2022

11 thoughts on “Delfina Fane the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. u/makemusclesNOTluv, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  2. Put yourself in her shoes. If she had a best friend for a long time and he was a guy and you find out a year into the relationship that they’ve slept together before, how would you feel? He’s there all time, he’s her go to for help and advice for some things because he’s her best friend. He’s seen her hot, knows what it feels like to be in her. Would you be cool with it?

    Honestly, she should cut off this relationship and find better.

  3. She had unprotected sex then came home and fucked you??

    Which violated your rule??

    What are you doing???? Such a violation

  4. None of us come from good homes. We connected, along with so many other of our teenage friends (we have common friends from back then than none of us really talk to any more, but I don't know anyone from his other social circles), through maybe being a bit troubled and hurt initially. We would always go out, hang out in the city or our local beach and be left to ourselves back then, and whenever we were at someone's house, it would be mine (since my parents were only home maybe one weekend out of each month back then). Then I moved out at 18, and it turned into hanging out at my apartment…

  5. Seen the face of the ex, and now pictures day to day things that would have been done with the face in mind, intimacy etc.

  6. You need to tell her “it's him or me”. Everyone in here is betting on the same answer.

    You will be left wondering why she would actually choose him over you and you should absolutely be wondering why that is. Are you positive this is a “just friends” situation?

  7. If anyone home-ownership status be damned spat near me I would be ticked off enough to at least say “was that necessary” in an angry tone.

  8. Naw, this breaks my heart, my mother loved my father more then he ever did and he ended up leaving us and starting a new family. He still financially supported us but still.. I don't feel remotely qualified to comment on this, maybe professional help is the way to go.

    I sincerely wish you and your children well moving foward.

  9. Dude it is your attitude. You can loose weight by eating the worst food and McDonald's even by just eating at a deficit. It is very different from football practice.

    Try looking at /r/looseit and other various health subs. Try /r/fat logic as well.

    Plus you can take advantage of things right now by gaining muscle while loosing fat early on.

  10. It's ridiculous for her to come to your work. I understand why you hid. You shouldn't have to be in that situation. What did she think was going to happen? You'd talk to her while selling her clothing?

    Of course she should call you to ask if you'd like to talk and then if you were ok with talking, then you find a time.

    If you're worried she'll come back, you can give her a call and tell her how you feel. That can be as simple as a “Please don't come to my place of work. I'm not willing to talk to you about our relationship.” Or you can give her a chance to let you know the topic of what she'd like to discuss. Set your boundary as you wish.

  11. That just happens to some men I don’t think it means you’re “bad in bed” it can just be a one off thing. I wouldn’t not see other people due to this.

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