BRIANNE-BLONDE live! sex cams for YOU!


brianne-blonde chat

Date: October 20, 2022

7 thoughts on “BRIANNE-BLONDE live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. The line is in your rear view mirror. He’s financially and emotionally abusive at the very least based on your post.

  2. If he sends any threatening messages, take screenshots. If he hits you again, take pictures. Collect all the proof you can, because it will help you greatly in court

  3. You have no emotion towards him period. If you single imagine the possibilities. This can’t be real. You support him, you support him cheating. These are the two sides.

    Your side – work/ sole financial support/ alone / lonely/ you spouse cheating on you/ you not enough he wants sex with other people/ STD / possibly future partner children you will pay the child support on/ him taking your house and leaving

    Him- has his cake and eats it too .. with a 21 year old … in your bed

  4. No it sounds like he is following her around at family events and creeping over her. Why is the family allowing this and shaming her sister instead of the pedophile harassing her? WTAF?

  5. She talks about her finances being tied to her dad's or something and being unable to access them. Makes zero sense to me. I need to confront her head on about it and draw a line in the sand but I'm bad at confrontation.

  6. Does your shared spending are equal? What I mean is that depending on where you on-line and your level of spending, it's possible that the rent =/= everything else. Like the other person said, your personnel spending (car, cellphone, etc) shouldn't be included in the shared spending.

    For example, if he spend 1k$ on the rent each month and you are spending 800$ on utilities and the groceries is divided equally, then the total isn't equally divided. Something a division of cost in a couple can change over time. You said that he lost his job, maybe he looked the math more closely and realized that in a time where his money is short, he spending more than 50%

    Personally, in my serious relationship I always agree on a division of shared cost based on our respective income. Since I have a decent job it usually end up more like 70/30 or 60/40. I also had one of my GF lose her job and so I told her that I pay more until she find a new job, because I know it can be a stressful situation. But that's just me, I know I'm financially secure so it's easier for me to take a bigger burden, not everybody is able to do that. So if we only look at the limited info you gave us about the financial information your fiancé might have a point.

    But with all that said, the things he said to you are completely out of line and are not remotely close to the kind of relationship needed in a marriage. You guys are supposed to be a team and it doesn't look like it's the case at all. The problems in your relationship seem to be deeper than just financial stuff, those are just the symptoms of bigger problems.

  7. And you're 18 and getting married? You sure that's a great idea? How about waiting like 10 years…

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