Cocksuckingslut online webcams for YOU!


squirt at goal hahahah Goal [1077 tokens remaining]

Date: September 27, 2022

13 thoughts on “Cocksuckingslut online webcams for YOU!

  1. I'd definitely want to know if someone I thought of as a friend was either covertly or brazenly attracted to someone so young. I understand you have a fear of confrontation but hopefully your sense of responsibility towards your friends and community will help you overcome it. Channel your inner Stabler.

  2. I'd definitely want to know if someone I thought of as a friend was either covertly or brazenly attracted to someone so young. I understand you have a fear of confrontation but hopefully your sense of responsibility towards your friends and community will help you overcome it. Channel your inner Stabler.

  3. He is 29 and she is 39? She’s obviously insecure because her man is so much younger than her. Tell her to chill out and block her. Sounds like it’s dudes problem, not yours

  4. Hello /u/Ok_Piano_7200,

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  5. I am actually an expert in food critics and thought it was kind of me to offer it for free, but everyone is entitled to their opinions I guess.

  6. Nah I don't think it's that naked to explain. My bf and my mom have my location on Google maps and I often forget that they check my location when I'm out.

    And honestly, not all cheaters are smart enough when covering their tracks. Especially if they have been doing it for a while and are getting comfortable with it.

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling thos was cultish …especially after the suggested reading material and reading it ” together”. OP should in a way be thankful that they kicked him out.

  8. Tell him what you want and expectations. Then if you want him to plan it, don’t micromanage how he does it.

    It seems you’re upset because you THINK he’s not making the effort to save and plan. But maybe the result will be awesome, even though he’s not doing the way you would do it. Or, maybe it will be bad because he thinks drugstore roses bouquet and a last minute 5 pm early bird special was all he could swing because he procrastinated.

    communicate! agree on your expectations for a trip/celebration and then back off while he makes it happen!

  9. What would you gain by telling them?

    It's nice that they'd prefer a Christian boy, but I'd just date whoever you want for now. They don't like it? Oh well. Or just fib, say he's Christian, and let them keep their fantasy.

    I understand wanting to tell them just to avoid pretending to be religious when you're not…but if it blows up, will you be stuck in the same house with them?

    Or worse, at risk of being kicked out?

    If I were you, I'd wait to tell them until the gamble was safer.

  10. Well, first 3-4 months she will be exemplary wife, then she will slowly start returning to her old behavior: start friendship with another woman or man, spend time with them etc. Let’s give it another 3-4 months. Then emotional affair will start, then physical, then OP will remember his threesome fantasy, his wife will be hesitant at first but then could give in, and OP will be granted a pleasure to silently jerk off in a corner of the room seeing how his wife is banged by another person.

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