❤️Angella❤️Moan from Lovense❤️Wet from Tip Menu❤️Open for Private❤️ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


❤️Angella❤️Moan from Lovense❤️Wet from Tip Menu❤️Open for Private❤️, 19 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms ❤️Angella❤️Moan from Lovense❤️Wet from Tip Menu❤️Open for Private❤️

❤️Angella❤️Moan from Lovense❤️Wet from Tip Menu❤️Open for Private❤️ on-line sex chat

Date: October 25, 2022

32 thoughts on “❤️Angella❤️Moan from Lovense❤️Wet from Tip Menu❤️Open for Private❤️ the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Yeah he’s an AH for ignoring her. But A LOT of people will find sex comforting. He’s not a AH for that. He can’t help if she acts like she enjoys something she doesn’t enjoy.

  2. Yes. Red flag.

    This dude just expressed a justification for male cheating. “Its not as bad as you think. You'd still be my #1.”

    Sounds like an absolute tool.

  3. What is wrong with people? Why do you need proof of your partner cheating when she literally hit you? Why waste your energy on her any longer? Spend it on figuring out why you feel the need to absorb yourself in this chaotic relationship and how to move towards something healthier for you.

  4. u/sk8r-boigirl, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Hello /u/leopardtwinkle,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  6. Crackheads and homeless men making comments at a woman walking at night very much means she should be scared and it could turn unspeakably awful at any minute. And if you think it’s “par for the course” you’re part of the reason women are so scared. Not to mention you lack empathy and any understanding of a decent relationship. Maybe you’re on crack too?

  7. I know but how does that make him a misogynist for not wanting to sleep with someone that has slept with a lot of people. It’s his preference. I hear women say the same thing, so does that make them misogynistic?

  8. “It doesn't matter if she knows I'm busy doing other stuff OR that I've asked her not to do this multiple times because it freaks me out since I assume something's wrong. She still does it.”

    Break up. You've asserted a clear boundary regarding needing some alone time, and she either won't or can't respect it. You're not compatible (and she needs professional help managing her anxiety/attachment/whatever disorder), so you should break up.

  9. There are two potentials here.

    I don’t mean this in an un-gentle way but he can be the best guy and it still not be fantastic for you as a relationship. I’ve had such anxiety before ending my last relationships and eventually it comes down to my hind brain recognising something before I am actually able to process it.

    Or, you have to just wait these feelings out!

    I recommend trying this one first if you truly believe there is nothing that could be niggling at you about the relationship – it either goes away or it doesn’t and then you act on the next pieces of information your body gives to you. Do you have a therapist or anyone you could confide these thoughts to? It may help you to work through them.

    Either way be kind to yourself!

  10. As others said, it's possible but unlikely. From what I've seen from others posting about their lives, it's usually expected eventually. My only thought on that end is for OP to be up front with the SD as far as what she will or won't do when it comes to sex. That way if he expects something she wouldn't want, it won't be sprung on her.

  11. Whatever man. I had some difficulty adding to my comments so you can use that to say I don't have an argument because of my technical failings if you're that desperate. I was responding to you and not to “someone else” when I said you were talking in black and white.

    “No one in this chain suggested hiding it. That's a straw man. Just concede that you lost the argument. Conceding a point directly looks a lot less foolish than implicitly conceding by doubling down with a straw man (which is basically a confession you lost AND can't cope with it.)”

    Sounds pretty black and white man…

    I'm simply trying to say that couples should talk things out with each other though and that there is rarely any one person in the right. Relationships don't survive otherwise.

    You're trying to make it personal though or put yourself on a soap box. I really don't know what your agenda is. You can't win an argument with a fool though. You'll never convince the idiot that you're correct, and bystanders won't be able to tell who's who.

  12. As far as who is to blame, it's definitely both of you. You plain sound incompatible. You can't stand the death by a thousand flirtations. The fact that she's a streamer, to me, makes me believe the stuff about ex's more. It's alllllll for male attention. She's being honest when she said emoji guy means nothing, none of them mean anything. It's all attention. Frankly it's just cringe.

  13. Bro she said no, stop assaulting your girlfriend.

    Come to terms with what you’ve been doing. Reflect on it. Apologize. And stop doing it

  14. People should price out what it cost to do these photo shoots. I'm sure that there was a decent price versus somewhere else

  15. It's broken. Neither of you talks about issues. It's just accusatory, argumentative, childish yelling. Any chance you could pack your bags go to mom's? If not then it may be worth a try to stop doing everything that you do for him. Just take care of yourself and the babies. Eventually he might want to be more cooperative. If not, you know what you will have to do. Do the best you can for the babies and yourself. Let's hope that husband comes around.

  16. >Maybe try to ask for the full story before making accusations. I

    It's up to you to share the full story. He may have wanted to try period sex once, he tried it, he doesn't like it. Such is life.

  17. You approach the situation by growing the fuck up.

    It's a regular-ass diary, not just some personal, penthouse forum collection of her own exploits. She's allowed to record her own private thoughts about her life which includes her sex life.

    Why does it matter at all to you? It has zero impact on your relationship.

  18. Bro she participated in that threesome, good thing she’s only a girlfriend and not a wife.

  19. So you control him, but don’t like it when he controls you….. You are a hypocrite.

    End the relationship.

  20. stay with me

    porn is lie. don't believe what you have seen. it is a form of scy-fy. as sexual activity is essentially proprioceptive and that you cannot have the feel in movie, they have to boost the visual effects to a parody of the real thing. sex is a meal. there is a first course, a main meal and a dessert. you start by hugging, kissing and cuddling. don't go to sexual parts at first. listen to her body with your hands. try to not tickle. be firm without being rough. take your time without making it slow. react to her reactions. genital parts are sensible. it is the point. you know for yours, it is the same for hers. be cautious at first to not hurt her. sculpt her body, ass and breast are erogenous, but so are the rest of the body (while less). withe the time and excitation, the pression you will put on it will be stronger and she will want more. there are limits but both of you must found. clitoris is fragile, don't puch it like a flipper button. in fact keeping you fingers on the side is often more appreciated than directly upon it. in case of doubt : take your time, listen to her body, ask her what she wants. eventually, you will finish (hopefully together). take her in your arms, cuddle. you are not her just for sex, you here for her. when sex come to an end, love carry on. it is supposed to be pleasant. make it so. don't overdo, don't overthing.

  21. If lying is your boundary, then it's your boundary and that's ok. However, I would assert that there are different types of lies and this doesn't seem to be a lie meant to manipulate you or done with malice. It seems like the type of lie that he told just because he didn't want you to know about that particular part of his life and that's okay.

    Ask yourself how this particular situation actually hurts you and if that hurt is worth ending an otherwise great decade long relationship.

  22. I suppose – what good would it do to tell him about my feelings then?

    And what does it mean when he’s periodically asked me out to dinner over the last few years?

  23. You are a huge pos. You broke up a lifetime friendship! That its beyond evil and I hope karma bites you in the ass! There’s noway to justify it, no mental gymnastics you can say. You’re for the streets

  24. I think I heard it over 20 years ago from that history teacher. It used to be described to explain how a lot of wwII went as well.

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