She is rose and the boys Jerson , “la raja” and Villa the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams


She is rose and the boys Jerson , “la raja” and Villa, 18 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms She is rose and the boys Jerson , “la raja” and Villa

She is rose and the boys Jerson ,

Date: October 26, 2022

9 thoughts on “She is rose and the boys Jerson , “la raja” and Villa the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Yeah that’s kind of the hindsight there! That was probably not a safe call. Ugh lol thanks for your feedback.

  2. Dude both of you need to grow up.

    I grew up in the same situation with everyone else cut. Figure out your self confidence issue.

    Also, your kid shouldn't have to suffer because some boys made fun of Dad when he was younger.

  3. This is incredibly alarming. 1. He blew through $25,000. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. That’s not an oversight or an oopsie, that’s a fricking Honda Civic. A Honda civic filled with bullshit and pulling 25,000 red flags behind it. And he feels no remorse, and still won’t explain himself? 2. He hired these contractors in total bad faith, smiling and shaking their hands and allowing them to complete all that work, all the while knowing the money was already gone, and he was never going to pay them. That’s super shtty. 3. Worst of all, though, is he let YOU sign your name onto that debt, too. He could’ve stopped you, or could’ve at least been honest with you about his finances…but no. He smiled and let you get unnecessarily involved when *he knew this was going to eff you over. HE KNEW. He just didn’t care. 4. He never fessed up. Never explained himself. You had to find out about this from a court summons, and you still don’t even know where the money went. So what else is he lying about and hiding from you? How could you possibly trust him?

    So….The better question here is why on earth would you stay?! Out of all the people in the world, your SO is supposed to make you feel safe. Loved. Respected. Even proud. And this guy does none of that. He does negative that. He’s actively and knowingly pursuing the path of screwing you over, and without a shred of remorse or concern.

    Get. Away. From. This. Terrible. Person. Your bar is set way, way, WAY too low. Like Mariana Trench low. You have a right and an obligation to yourself to expect much better.

    Also: 1. Change all your passwords, particularly to financial apps/sites and the email address(es) they’re attached to. Ensure your security questions are things he couldn’t guess or figure out (like your mom’s maiden name, the name of your high school, etc.) 2. Check your credit reports (it’s free) ensuring any and all debts listed are accurate. Dispute anything that’s not, which will most likely involve a police report for identity theft. Then freeze your credit and keep it that way (I keep mine frozen all the time, only unfreezing when a need arises, like a credit card application or whatever). Won’t prevent fraud 100%, but it’ll help a helluva lot. 3. If he’s had prior access to any of your cards/bank info, I would strongly recommend getting new cards/accounts issued. The simplest way is to report them lost. I would just ensure you’ve got enough money available to you to tide yourself over while you wait for the new cards/numbers, and that you have the new card mailed somewhere trusted (NOT to his house). 4. Do a consult with an attorney. I don’t know what, if any, legal remedies you may have to try and recoup money out of him and this house, but you’ve got 25,000 reasons to investigate. Many attorneys will do an initial consult for free or for a reduced cost. So contact your state’s bar association for a referral.

  4. Jfc every other gay couple just cringed at how disrespectful to gay relationships that joke was. Also describing yourself as a bottom validates all the misconceptions and prejudices about gay relationships. You act like there's a manhandled a woman in the relationship when that shit isn't even a thing. No wonder gay couples get asked these stupid questions like who is the man and who's the pitcher? It's not funny and being immature hurts lgbt.

  5. dude you literally commented this:

    I wonder why you think this is misogyny on display… You come across as exaggerating to attempt to make a specific point… To me that's an incredible reach that, if anything, only takes some bite out of the word misogyny. If this is misogyny then I can't help but not care about that detail… What does the word mean at this point

    you’re claiming you never said it wasn’t misogyny??? are you actually dense ????

  6. Sounds like he doesn't want to be a father. It might be you need more than a break if you want a sex life and the possibility of kids.

    I mean you could insist on counseling and the medical testing you've asked him for, but you should be open to just acknowledging that you are not a good fit as far as what you want in life.

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