Thicky Nicky live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 31, 2022

11 thoughts on “Thicky Nicky live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I've tried many times, now the 8th time to break up with my girlfriend and kick her out. The issue is every time she has a panic attack, which leads to her migraines, which results in projectile vomit and diarrhea.

    So, she whips herself up into a mad frenzy to stop you from breaking up with her.

    It's not a condition, it's an abuse tactic. Stick to your guns and kick her out. $5 says that when she figures out it's actually for real, the “panic attack” drops and the claws come out.

  2. There are other “gifts” you can give him. Get your freak on and show him.aome serious appreciation for the gifts everyday over the holidays

  3. You’re an adult and get to date whomever you like.

    Dating a person with a chronic illness can be stressfull though and I believe your parents are worried about you. They shouldn’t be fighting about it though. That’s doing it wrong.

    Also, I think you misspelled the syndrome, if it is what I think it is, do not have children before speaking to a clinical geneticist.

  4. There’s an online paper called, Jealousy and the Abyss, by William Pennell Rock. Last i checked it was on planet

    It’s long (13 pages printed out) and deep af. So much so that it took me a year of study and a few marked up copies to really internalize it, and it was worth the effort.

    I’ve never felt jealousy since, and I’ll never feel it again.

    You can be liberated from this pain if you’re willing to do the work.

  5. He’s cheating on you. You’re very young and are making excuses for him. He didn’t accidentally send her a “casual” photo, you can’t find the texts because he’s covered his tracks.

    It’s a VERY common trope for a cheater to claim their affair partner is “crazy” and is jealous.

  6. Hahah thank you, I guess something good came out of it. To be fair I didn't drink that often before, probably twice a month. But now when I drink I don't drink much anymore.

  7. Im gonna be honest being anti choice is a huge nope you dodged a artillery shell there and the trash took itself out.

  8. Zero contact. Block him from all social media. Probably at some point he will contact you again to find out how you are but don't fall for it, IT'S A TRAP. All the men come back. But remember that he doesn't want to be with you, if he wanted to be with you he would be. Besides, he didn't have the courage to break up with you, you were the one who had to tell him. Zero contact. Don't check his twitter, or his instagram, or anything. Zero contact. It's going to hurt, I don't want to lie to you, you're going to be very bad for a while. But suddenly one day you will wake up and it will hurt a little less. And the next day a little less. Until one day it won't hurt anymore. When he comes looking for you, don't let him back into your life.

  9. I feel like you're right. I'm not trying to disregard her feelings. But I do want to let her know how I feel too. I think I am coming with a immature mindset but I am been a person who has been put in that friend zone and kept there and whenever I decided to speak up it was always too late or it was never going to change. I haven't texted her at with a response yet, but I just wanted to know the best way to handle this. Thank you for the reality check

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