I don't post my toddler's pictures on Social Media because ya never know who can access them. Pedophiles are prevalent online. Also, my toddler has no ability to CONSENT to being put online. She might just be a protective parent!
What he calls the “male mind” isn’t the male mind. It’s actually a form of self invalidation, emotional suppression, and avoidant attachment (all easy to google and read up on why that shit will mess you up over time). So sure it can help numb emotional stress up front, but overtime that shit backfires.
In some ways he needs to go on the same journey as you, to learn more about feelings and how to relate to them such that they provide useful direction on how to live life. The only difference is you’re on the opposite side of the spectrum, for you, you need more validation and help processing your feelings so they’re more manageable. For him, he needs the same in order to respect, connect to and use his feelings to his advantage so he’s not as numb and emotionally shut off.
Oh yeah it was so bad. She said this story during thanksgiving dinner and it bummed us out I think that was the worst time to mention it lol. Basically, he butt dialed her and was talking about hot chicks (he also said he’d fuck the next big tittie bitch he saw) with his friends and she went to the rr and threw up. Oh I tell you it got messy after that
Oops thought you were OP?
& Nah it's racist, she might not be trying to be but it's still racist. Using a stereotype is racist. It's a negative Stereotype. Common now.
I don't post my toddler's pictures on Social Media because ya never know who can access them. Pedophiles are prevalent online. Also, my toddler has no ability to CONSENT to being put online. She might just be a protective parent!
What he calls the “male mind” isn’t the male mind. It’s actually a form of self invalidation, emotional suppression, and avoidant attachment (all easy to google and read up on why that shit will mess you up over time). So sure it can help numb emotional stress up front, but overtime that shit backfires.
In some ways he needs to go on the same journey as you, to learn more about feelings and how to relate to them such that they provide useful direction on how to live life. The only difference is you’re on the opposite side of the spectrum, for you, you need more validation and help processing your feelings so they’re more manageable. For him, he needs the same in order to respect, connect to and use his feelings to his advantage so he’s not as numb and emotionally shut off.
Oh yeah it was so bad. She said this story during thanksgiving dinner and it bummed us out I think that was the worst time to mention it lol. Basically, he butt dialed her and was talking about hot chicks (he also said he’d fuck the next big tittie bitch he saw) with his friends and she went to the rr and threw up. Oh I tell you it got messy after that
Aw that's sweet. You realise it's monthly and she's coped fine for years – so just ask her if she wants some treats. She'll tell you.
Heres what you do: Go talk to your boyfriend.
It is impossible for anyone here to know anything about him or his thought process.