♡ Amelia ♡ New Schedule 11 pm to 4 am cop time GMT – 5, 19 y.o.
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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms ♡ Amelia ♡ New Schedule 11 pm to 4 am cop time GMT – 5
Date: November 4, 2022
Yep, this is your future with someone who is 15 years older than you. Go find someone closer in age and health. This is not a good relationship.
What cycle of misery are you referring to – the cheater or the OP wanting to tell the guy's GF that he's a cheater?
Because, to me, the cheater is the one creating the misery.
Exactly. Thank you.
You can't cheat on someone you aren't in a relationship with.
Unfortunately this is just going to go into Murphy's Law territory.
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You are being unreasonable keeping this person in your life… WHY keep him around? You’ve been with him 7 years – where did you find him and what did he do before you took him in and supported him…???
He doesn’t work, he doesn’t drive, he doesn’t do anything for you other than add stress, make demands and refuse to offer any form of support (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, etc.).
Leave while you can, build a life before you lose yourself to this mess…
You a fool
i never disagreed on the premise that what i'm doing is wrong. i did just post this to try and be better in the future. my clarification was because people were focusing on the wrong thing.
I think you're not really understanding what people are saying and there is actually a deeper issue here, but a potential band-aid fix is to just drop it when it's not important, and when it IS important, maybe say something like:
“I'm no expert, but I think the way that works is maybe XY and Z, not AB and C; for my peace of mind, since this is an important thing that can affect people, could we look it up together/you look it up before you act/do you mind if I look it up real quick?”
This way you aren't pitting yourself the other person where one is right and one is wrong, but collaborating to find an answer.
But again…I think there are deeper things here. You are very dismissive of what people are saying, seem to think you know best, and aren't very self aware of how you're coming off. Until you tackle those things this sort of pattern of interaction is going to keep happening in different scenarios.
No she’s not. I would talk to her about it but what if she doesn’t know he has them. Then that’s an entire new problem we’ll have.
That's the idea.
You are seriously keeping a Golden Retriever in a crate, unless the dog is outside? What is wrong with you? It's cruel and neglectful.
Your bf is a real dick for even suggesting it.
Get rid of the boyfriend, NOT the dog!
It’s how he shows affection!
I'd just tell him that you don't feel like a priority to him and that you don't want to be in a relationship where it's like pulling teeth to try and get your partner to see you.
OP, your posts are messy. My dude has a point.
Yeah i was thinking like this too, like its ''my fault'' or whatever, i dont mean my fault like i did something wrong but idk how else to put it lol
Op mentioned the other girl was “a couple years younger.”
No I don’t want to be with someone who cheats on me and I do not what to put my child in that type of environment
No hun. That's not true either. If there wasn't something to start a rumor over rumors wouldn't be starting. Like you said he has other female friends. He goes and hangs out with other female friends. No rumors have ever started over them and it doesn't matter if it's a two out of 10 or a 10 out of 10. Rumors are going to start when a married man is having coffee or any other type of date likes scenario with another woman.
If the rumor started it's because they looked to be together. Either holding hands sitting too close. Touching too much. The list goes on. They gave people a reason to start the rumors.
Trust your gut hun. It's telling you something's wrong.
She wasn’t sitting around in it, it was under her clothes. I’m not a machine that seeks out and has intercourse at every moment.
That is messed up on his part and quite frankly, he sounds like he's looking for a breakup already. Cut your losses and give him what he wants. You are only 19, there will definitely be better relationships than this. I'm sorry.
You may be sad now but there so many better women out there who will always be in your content. If you would’ve stuck with her you would always be abused and play second fiddle to her “bff”. Honestly for your sanity I’d say “good riddance” to her.
You should probably be clear with her so you don't exhaust yourself. Tell her that since she's not wanting to date and you are, you'd rather just be friends (if that's what you want, which it seems like it id?), and that you don't have the time to text your friends every day, but that doesn't mean you don't value them.
Then you set a gentle boundary to help your mental health!
Regardless the relationship you once had is over .
If you do get the abortion (idk if it’s even possible with how far along you are) you will have nothing but anger and resentment toward him .
He’s stated multiple times that this is something he doesn’t want plus his actions make that clear as day . So If you keep the baby he will also have nothing but anger and resentment toward you .
You’ll never be able to move past the fact that you’re experiencing this pregnancy alone . So make a choice and STAND ON IT . If you want this baby keep and and be the best kick ass mother you can be . Take 1000+ bump photos , get every pregnancy craving you want (that’s also safe lol) , do a belly mask , GLOW your ass off . BUT be okay with doing that alone(or with family) and move along without him .
Good luck babe??
She does get really jealouse as she told me but doesnt really show it. She got really jealouse about a bisexual friend of mine which is understandable. But as soon as she got to meet her everything was good. I once posted a story with a friend of mine (she is straight) on ig for fun. I figured it would be okay because she did same thing aswell in the past. but she got really jealouse. Which turned into a huge fight, she didnt want to tell me why she was angry.
But in general she does not prevent me from seeing friends on the opposite. She likes them alot. Sometimes I feel like she gets a little bit distant when i choose to hang out with friends than with her but i figure its just because she misses me.
Fair enough. I would still argue that it’s considered unethical to have a sexual relationship with a former client
Yeah cheating should be a deal freaked also I highly recommend moving on
One would think, if you're having a hot time, your boyfriend would be the first person you go to as well, not figure it out on your own. If that was the case, what is the point of a relationship?
This is very weird. I think I would try telling her that while you went there with another girlfriend, the experience will be different and that's what you're the most excited about. Explain you want to create new memories in these places and share with her your favourite places from there. If this doesn't ease her up a bit, I'm not sure what else there is to do.
If she enjoys reading, you can put together like a little book of poems for her written by yourself, call it something like “if you could see yourself through my eyes” or something romantic and have the poems be how you view her, how you love her, how she’s that glimmer of hope on a shit day etc etc. know that you are enough and sometimes just showing your person you love and appreciate them is greater than anything you could buy on the planet.
No, other people certainly can build or knock down your self-esteem. Surround yourself with people that treat you respectfully to protect and build your self-esteem.
And go buy a vibrator for your partner OP.