Caroline-tovar1 online sex cams for YOU!


4 thoughts on “Caroline-tovar1 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. She's thinking about him while she's with you, plain and simple. Get the hell out, or is just going to keep on happening.

  2. Well, no one likes pain. But this sounds like an unreasonable amount of fear – which will lead to pain because she's gonna tense up and then it's bound to hurt.

    This also makes me wonder if she ever goes to the gynecologist like a woman her age should definitely do. I mean, I am 38 years old and yes, I am a virgin. But I go to my yearly check-ups, which means that the gynecologist does put the ultrasound stick thing and the speculum into me. Is it pleasant? Nope. But it's also not horrible – and that's at the doctor, without arousal or whatever.

    Also why is she even trying to have sex directly if she's so scared? Like, why not buy some toys in smaller sizes? Start with a finger? Just not go all the way directly but slowly work your way up?

    My suggestion is that she gets a therapist, talks with the gynecologist and then just explores her sexuality on her own at first, with zero pressure from you. She could start with toys which are only for the clitoris, so with absolutely no insertion, first to see if she likes sexual sensations at all without having to fear anything hurting. If she doesn't and it's not caused by religious trauma and identifies as sex-repulsed or sex-averse, then there is nothing that can be done. But if she likes masturbation without anything inserted, then she can slowly work her way upwards, starting with very thin toys. There are also pelvic exercizes which can help her relax.

    That said, all of that – every single bit – requires her to want to work on it. If she doesn't and just wants to “live her life”, then there is absolutely nothing you can do. You can't change her to suit you. It would be a pity if she is suffering from religious trauma, doesn't want to address it and thus will always prevent herself from having a fulfilling relationship, but this is a decision she is allowed to make. But all decisions come with consequences and if she decides that she doesn't want to work on the issue – be it because she doesn't see the need, doesn't want to put the effort in or because she simply is asexual sex-repulsed/-averse and there is nothing to work on – then you have to make a decision on if you want to stay with her or not.

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