HeidiBettylive sex stripping with hd cam


13 thoughts on “HeidiBettylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Base on the texts and him after I interrogated him, it’s only texts and today of all days, it became heated by the emojis. They work in different departments different times so different lunches. I also hope his strong enough

  2. He’s obviously obsessed with you and still tracking your movements. Which is why I would close out all social media you currently have and start a new one under strict friend accepting protocols. The email he has for you? Close it, forward all emails to a new email address and then close down the old email. Send all of the links to his new girlfriend and then close everything out. The only way to deal with these kinds of abusers is to go dark on them. As long as he has a way to 1) blame you, 2) contact you and 3) keep you thinking about him, he will do it. I hope your husband is aware of all of this. Don’t keep him in the dark. He should know as well so he’s proactive about his own friends list.

    I hope you do not live anywhere near this guy any longer.

  3. Its not that she “doesn't want her husband to be romantically involved with other women”

    Its that she “doesn't want her husband to be romantically involved with any woman.”

    Its crazy because she doesnt want to be romantically involved with her husband. She is monogamous, but it doesnt sound like her husband is. And if she's only interested in an asexual plutonic marriage, thats fine, but its unreasonable to demand he suddenly become asexually celibate too.

    Nothing wrong with being asexual. Every sexuality is valid. But its wrong force other people to adopt your sexuality.

  4. I never asked his mother. I did not want to involve her more in our relationship. I wanted us to be able to communicate efficiently together without having the confirmation from his mother.

  5. He groomed you and now he’s literally explaining how he’s going to groom your kids to be groomed/a groomer. It’s too late at this point, just try to keep him away from them.

  6. Thank you so much! Your advice sounds very realistic and applicable. This is exactly what I needed help with, I’m not the best at having these conversations. Also…their mom reacts the exact same way in these situations, so I have a suspicion that’s where they got it from. They always talk about how much they hated it, and I have no clue if I should tell them that they’re doing the same thing ?

  7. This is a very real and important question. A helpline/webpage/chat/text can help with that info in your area. You can make a plan with someone in on the helplines. They do that work in your area and know resources and things that may not work.

    There are definitely ways to stay safe. If you want to try to get a restraining order, you usually can it for free. Getting it could make him angry but not getting it…? Which would be best for you?

    Stay safe, friend.

    Be sure to get your safety plan made as soon as he's not with you. Hide money if you can't get out right away, as much as you can with him not knowing. If you have children, you'll need all their papers. Definitely use the safety plan that Ebbie posted.

  8. Well she wanted to go but didn’t have anyone else to go with so he offered for me and him to go with her. Also because he loves going to concerts.

  9. Well my partner is an adult as well, and I expect her to be able to resolve her own issues. I would obviously be supportive, up until the tantrums that OP mentioned his partner had because he wouldn’t pay. Also, the other girls should pay for themselves, there should be no issue for paying for a dinner you eat. I would never eat somewhere if I couldn’t afford it

  10. I would actually reconsider the relationship entirely. Even if you record him being an ass it doesn't mean she'll believe it. People can be blind to how shitty their friends are. She may just make excuses for his behavior like it's some rare occurrence.

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