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Online Live Sex Chat rooms if you miss me if you miss me live sex chat

Date: October 3, 2022

24 thoughts on “ if you miss me the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I think if you stayed with your bf after he kept something like that secret, you would be a fool. What “intentions” could possibly make a lie this big acceptable??? Also, if he can lie (through omission) about making porn, he can probably also lie about fucking other women. Breaking up is not just “valid”, it's the only acceptable option.

  2. Has he actually done anything to breach your trust besides this? It's normal to put your phone down when your loved one comes in. It's respectful to give them attention. Should he keep being on his phone and ignoring your existence?

  3. Different stages of life. I’m in your stated/desired match range and I’m not interested. Neither are any of my friends. You’ve got too much growing and changes coming within the next couple years alone, let alone until you’re 30. Totally, utterly different places. Even if I were interested in just a hook up, I like to connect with that person on a bit more than sex before sleeping with them and there’s not many similarities due to the age gap.

    I also would have been uninterested at 25. I’m afraid I’d walk all over you and that’s stressful and not ok for either of us. Find someone you can grow with. Most late 20’s/30’s are done with that and if they aren’t, we’ll that’s a totally different red flag!

    This isn’t a poor reflection on you. It’s just why.

  4. But how come then the other parent has to foot that burden when they both fucked and those three minutes were probably magical ?, I'm sure-but not taking precautions to avoid this situation is the moment they are responsible for whatever the outcome of that three minutes of passion leads to.

  5. Haha. My ex boyfriend was like this, except mostly in the morning. Like he would get morning wood or w/e and if I didn’t want to bang or give him oral he would watch porn in front of me in bed and jerk off. I really don’t care about porn I actually thought it was pretty hard. I liked watching him do it like 90% of the time. But.. every.single.time?! Every morning? Any other bf I’ve had had either been able to shake off the morning wood, didn’t mention/get it or at least go jerk off in the shower/bathroom or something.

    Again, I liked it most of the time. But if I’m fucking exhausted and don’t even want to be woken up, come on. Im not very versed in porn addiction, but to me it started to feel that way.

  6. I’m great with my parents, so much better than years ago. Is there any way i can fix this kind of attachment?

  7. doesn't this logic sort of… negate the entire purpose of this sub? like the whole point is that we read one side of the story and give advice??

  8. I don't live in the USA relationship standards in my country are different, i said that I don't mind it i just need to know, as far as i know relationships are agreements and that for me is part of it, same goes for porn. And no I wasn't trying to dissuade the relationship. at one point i was actually glad she had that best friend but then shit happens, it's life.

  9. If she's on the depo shot, using ovulation tests to track her period is completely fucking pointless. Because the way the shot works is that it prevents ovulation from occurring entirely. No egg to fertilize = no baby. She isn't able to track her period like that if she's really on the shot. Most people on the depo shot have irregular periods, and around half stop getting it entirely.

    I'm not saying she's a liar but if the boot fits…

  10. That’s the thing, i never planned on abandoning my boyfriend, and just as I told her I love them both so much, I’m just really confused right now, and it wasn’t only because of the kiss, I’ve known for a little while that I have feelings for her but it took me kissing her and being drunk to tell her

  11. I feel I should clarify, he's not done that since he did it the one time. But he does often continue to try it on when I've said no, like rubbing himself into my back, kissing me – basically trying to grind me down till I give in.

  12. She’s tired with the kids. You took her on a nice trip, but guess what, she was still tired. Because sleep comes before sex when you’ve gone through major surgery and have twins.

    If your need to have sex trumps her need for sleep, then you’re a shitty partner. I can’t imagine communicating to my husband that I desperately need more sleep and him getting mad because he’s horny.

    Be an equal partner. Don’t let her online a life of constant exhaustion by having to take care of others needs before her own.

  13. It’s ok to not be ready or willing to commit to marriage.

    It’s not ok to not be upfront with her about your unwillingness to commit. Anything less than a frank discussion about that now would be stringing her along and wasting her time, especially about the children question – stop assuming and projecting about that.

  14. The only thing that really bothers me is that he will still bring up his ex in conversation quite a bit. Not all the time, but maybe every couple days.

    Please postpone your wedding. On this basis alone, he is not ready to get married to you. I know cost is an issue, but it's better than divorce. It's better than wondering if youll wake up one morning and he's left to try and find her to have one more chance…

    Look at what you've written here

    I told him it made me sad and I felt like he would rather be with her instead of me. Well he got intensely angry with me, saying I “tricked” him into saying that

    He heard you say you were sad, and he chose to get angry rather than reassure you.

    Any sensible person at this time would have said “…in a hypothetical world where she didn't cheat, I think we would have still been together because I'm a loyal person. But although her cheating has hurt me, in the end it feed me to meet you, and I'm so much happier now…” etc. But it sounds like he did not articulate this.

    It feels as though he is so caught up in his own feelings that he is neglecting yours.

  15. Does he take care of his first child? Are you sure that there’s no other children he’s not mentioning?

  16. I wouldn’t say it’s wrong, but personally, I don’t understand it. If you had a 20 yo great marriage, and your partner cheated on you one time? Maybe in that circumstance I would “fight for the marriage”. But you had to “fight for the marriage” and get counseling when you had been like 2 years together? This relationship was sick since the beginning, why are you wasting so much emotional energy on it? It doesn’t seem worthy.

  17. A teenager had an irrational response to a potential pregnancy during a fight after she had a sleepover with another man? I'm shocked!

    OP pulled a scummy move not keeping him informed and establishing a bias in his children against him. He has rights and he absolutely should go to court over this.

  18. What??? Nah, if I were you, I would have Noped out of this relationship a while ago. Your boyfriend may or may not be telling the truth but if it’s bothering you this much, he should be straightforward to you.

  19. Why would you feel inclined to say anything to him about this??? Who ever loves be told they’ve seen their nudes by actively seeking them out??

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