Agata the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Agata on-line sex chat

Date: December 18, 2022

10 thoughts on “Agata the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. check in every couple weeks!? idk if i can do that. or how i can do that. im struggling to go a day without saying anything right now.

  2. Your question of “is there any way I can fix this so he doesn't do this anymore” is just heartbreaking.

    Because the answer should be “ask him not to do it anymore” but you've already done that multiple times.

    Which means he's assaulting you.

    He's obviously not going to prioritise you or your safety, so it's time for you to.

  3. The problem is his and his alone. IMO it sounds like he consumes wayyy too much porn and masturbates just aa often. He can’t finish because he has death grip, no woman will ever be as tight as his hand and because porn can be so extreme and unrealistic, it ruins the perception of ‘normal’ sex and ‘normal’ women.

    He either addresses this by stopping his consumption or you really need to move on from him to someone who respects you.

  4. Sorry you're going through this.

    The fact that your wife didn't confess and hid it is not good. Adults don't also just disappear and cuddle, they normally have sex.

    You shouldn't believe this is her first or only time having an affair. She showed no remorse for destroying her vows for years, so don't trust what she tells you.

    Get an STD/STI test asap just to be sure. You should get a DNA test on your daughter just to show her you've lost trust completely.

    Speak to a lawyer asap. They can write up divorce papers, which can be stopped at any time. If reconciliation is on table then demand a post nuptial agreement with a fidelity clause. This should be mandatory. This means if she has any other affair (EA, PA, OA) then she would lose financially.

    Demand she hand write a timeline/disclosure letter of her affair. All the details. Tell her if you find out any information not in letter you're instantly filing for divorce. This will prevent her from trickle truths or changing story later. Only give her 48 hours to provide it.

    Demand complete access to her phone, technology, passwords, location.

    Demand she start individual counseling to find out why she cheated and was so confidently lying and betraying you for years.

    Make her call her family and your family and apologize for betraying you. This will show if she's truly remorseful and willing to work towards reconciliation. If she refuses, you'll know she only cares about herself.

    Remember this is not your fault. Be sure to eat and drink water. Go to gym, spend time with your daughter.

    Talk to people about her betrayal. Her shame is not your shame. Look into counseling for yourself due to trauma, as adultery is both psychological and sexual abuse.

    The reconciliation sub is r/asoneafterinfidelity and to discuss with others who've been betrayed r/supportforbetrayed

  5. You're obviously not that great with math, or you're pretending not to be.

    Forget the savings, that's not an essential monthly expense. What you choose to save or spend on yourself is not part of the equation. Neither are your debt payments, for that matter, but for the sake of $100 we'll count it. (Oh, and spare me the BS about “I'm saving money for US” – joint savings accounts are a thing, if you split up you know damn well you will not be going halfsies with her on the money you've been squirreling away in your bank account). So the math is:

    Total household income: $4150/mo, of which you bring home $1950/$4150 = 46.9%

    Total expenses (assuming medical average is $450/mo): $3350

    46.9% of $3350 is $1570. You are currently paying $1300. You're seriously underpaying your PROPORTION of the essential household expenses based on income.

    Let's look at it another way: only joint expenses should be dealt with jointly. That means that rent, utilities and groceries are split proportionally, your respective cars, her medical expenses and your loan are yours and yours alone.

    Total expenses (you): Joint is 47% of $1900 = $890 + $550 = $1440, which is – YEP, still way less than the $1300 you're paying.

    In short: you suck at math and at being a partner. Step up and stop treating your partner, who's ill and MORE THAN pulling her weight financially, like your damn maid.

  6. Breaking up with someone to take care of yourself isn’t psychological abuse, and neither is getting laughed at

  7. When you were her age, she was 2 years old. Age gaps are one thing, but this one sounds creepy.

  8. This so much. When I had a job that required travel, I thought it would be so much fun to go different places on the company dime. Instead, I found myself more exhausted every day of the trip. I’d want to go out, but just wanted to sleep after each work day of the trip. In the end, I wanted to just get home to a more normal-paced workday.

  9. Ah yeah in that case you’re stuck waiting, but tbh if someone I knew had some fugitive hanging around I wouldn’t keep quiet about it if any loved one of mine was ever going to be in the same place.

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