You were sexually assaulted/raped. I am so sorry. Please make sure he deletes your pictures and reconsider this relationship for your own safety. This man is unsafe and a predator.
Doesn't matter what he has done in the past relationship. He did it to you, if you take him back, he will do it again. If you take him back you are giving him permission to walk all over you vuz he did it once before and you didn't seem to have a problem with it, so if there's no repercussions to his actions, why wouldn't he do it again?
If by some slim chance he doesn't ever cheat on you again, you think you can just forget about him being inside someone else? Nope. Every minute you can't account for his time a tiny little voice will say in your head something about that time he cheated on you.
Bottom line is, you can't cheat on someone you're in love with, why be with someone who doesn't love you, who thinks they can just stick their dick wherever they want and you'll have no problem with it?
You deserve better than that kind of a life. Move on.
Has he shown you respect though? You said that you'd have to teach him not to physically hurt you while you're kissing. A person that respects you listens to you the first time you're voicing something like this and tries to be better. It doesn't sound like he'd do that.
And no. This is not a common thing all or the majority of men do.
That should be easy!
I’d really like to hear from the cowards that are downvoting my comment.
You were sexually assaulted/raped. I am so sorry. Please make sure he deletes your pictures and reconsider this relationship for your own safety. This man is unsafe and a predator.
Doesn't matter what he has done in the past relationship. He did it to you, if you take him back, he will do it again. If you take him back you are giving him permission to walk all over you vuz he did it once before and you didn't seem to have a problem with it, so if there's no repercussions to his actions, why wouldn't he do it again?
If by some slim chance he doesn't ever cheat on you again, you think you can just forget about him being inside someone else? Nope. Every minute you can't account for his time a tiny little voice will say in your head something about that time he cheated on you.
Bottom line is, you can't cheat on someone you're in love with, why be with someone who doesn't love you, who thinks they can just stick their dick wherever they want and you'll have no problem with it?
You deserve better than that kind of a life. Move on.
Has he shown you respect though? You said that you'd have to teach him not to physically hurt you while you're kissing. A person that respects you listens to you the first time you're voicing something like this and tries to be better. It doesn't sound like he'd do that.
And no. This is not a common thing all or the majority of men do.
You deserve better.