I’m always in favor of therapy, highly recommend it. But it seems like there’s something missing in the communication between you two and understand. That said, I meant you’ve taken him out since then, and obviously that’s not a problem for her? She can also only actually be concerned or angry to a certain extent if she actively wants another child with you. But condoms, please come with your own protection here.
Just break up with her now, so you have plenty of time to get her shit out of your place while she's out of town.
You can clean the house at your leisure, and box her stuff up nice so you don't have to deal with her lying, cheating ass hanging around your house for a long time with the playoffs on TV. Don't need her distractions while the game's on. Damn, son.
When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!
He has lied to you – repeatedly. He wants the thrill of the chase, even when he is in a committed relationship He is now deflecting and successfully making you feel guilty about HIS misdemeanors – there is a word for this, DARVO.
Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender.
“I know he won't change” Why are you still engaged to this man? One who disrespects you and doesn't know what commitment is? Do you think this will somehow magically get better when you put a ring on his finger? If you start from a position of compromise like this, then he will gradually erode all your input, feelings, and boundaries on the matter. It's only a matter of time until he actually cheats on you. Do not tie your future to someone who treats you like this. You deserve better.
Don't get sad, get angry! Don't tell him you love him and wait for him to apologise. Don't beg for the scraps of his attention. He is behaving like he can replace you in a naked minute – let him go. He isn't worth it.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
We were together for 3 years and broke up 3 years ago. It was a really good relationship and I was very happy with him throughout the whole thing, but we wanted two completely different things. He wanted things that people his age group wanted, and I wanted things that people my age group wanted. It was sad, but we had to break up.
He moved on and started dating his now-fiancee. We see each other once in a while because of our friends, but don't really make conversation. Around 3 months ago a mutual friend had a party and he was there without her and I decided to talk to him because he seemed down. He explained that him and his girlfriend (they were just dating at this time) had problems about cheating and had broken up.
After our friends party, we were still talking when we went back to my place. I didn't see it leading to sex, but it did. We had sex a total of 4 times. We were plastered the first time, sober the other times. It was in a span of a week. We didn't continue anything because the same reasons still stood. He wanted that white picket fence life and I didn't so we stopped before anything got serious.
I was 10 weeks when I found out. I didn't immediately know what I was going to do so I didn't tell anyone, but after thinking about it, I've decided to keep the baby. I know, I spent years saying this isn't what I wanted, but actually being placed in this position changed things. Only 2 other ppl know. I'm currently 13 weeks. I'm not sure when they got back together, but she posted that they got engaged a few days ago. This just makes me feel 110% worse. I know I need to tell him, but I feel bad telling him. How do I?
Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of your actions
I’m always in favor of therapy, highly recommend it. But it seems like there’s something missing in the communication between you two and understand. That said, I meant you’ve taken him out since then, and obviously that’s not a problem for her? She can also only actually be concerned or angry to a certain extent if she actively wants another child with you. But condoms, please come with your own protection here.
Is he bulletproof?
Just break up with her now, so you have plenty of time to get her shit out of your place while she's out of town.
You can clean the house at your leisure, and box her stuff up nice so you don't have to deal with her lying, cheating ass hanging around your house for a long time with the playoffs on TV. Don't need her distractions while the game's on. Damn, son.
I know i am not special. I know now that this wouldnt work out.
When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM!
He has lied to you – repeatedly. He wants the thrill of the chase, even when he is in a committed relationship He is now deflecting and successfully making you feel guilty about HIS misdemeanors – there is a word for this, DARVO.
Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender.
“I know he won't change” Why are you still engaged to this man? One who disrespects you and doesn't know what commitment is? Do you think this will somehow magically get better when you put a ring on his finger? If you start from a position of compromise like this, then he will gradually erode all your input, feelings, and boundaries on the matter. It's only a matter of time until he actually cheats on you. Do not tie your future to someone who treats you like this. You deserve better.
Don't get sad, get angry! Don't tell him you love him and wait for him to apologise. Don't beg for the scraps of his attention. He is behaving like he can replace you in a naked minute – let him go. He isn't worth it.
This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.
We were together for 3 years and broke up 3 years ago. It was a really good relationship and I was very happy with him throughout the whole thing, but we wanted two completely different things. He wanted things that people his age group wanted, and I wanted things that people my age group wanted. It was sad, but we had to break up.
He moved on and started dating his now-fiancee. We see each other once in a while because of our friends, but don't really make conversation. Around 3 months ago a mutual friend had a party and he was there without her and I decided to talk to him because he seemed down. He explained that him and his girlfriend (they were just dating at this time) had problems about cheating and had broken up.
After our friends party, we were still talking when we went back to my place. I didn't see it leading to sex, but it did. We had sex a total of 4 times. We were plastered the first time, sober the other times. It was in a span of a week. We didn't continue anything because the same reasons still stood. He wanted that white picket fence life and I didn't so we stopped before anything got serious.
I was 10 weeks when I found out. I didn't immediately know what I was going to do so I didn't tell anyone, but after thinking about it, I've decided to keep the baby. I know, I spent years saying this isn't what I wanted, but actually being placed in this position changed things. Only 2 other ppl know. I'm currently 13 weeks. I'm not sure when they got back together, but she posted that they got engaged a few days ago. This just makes me feel 110% worse. I know I need to tell him, but I feel bad telling him. How do I?
Thank you! Was beginning to think my apprehension was because I haven’t been in a relationship in a while ?
Yes. Someone who ghosts you over and over again isn’t worth your pride or headache. Block him. Cry about it. Move on.
I think you are too, so let it go….Nothing to be done. Just move forward.