https://www.instagram.com/saharokkkkkkkkkkkk, 23 y.o.
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Date: October 3, 2022
You need to make new plans. It sounds like you were committed and all in while she continued to play the field and take advantage of you. Self esteem is a crap reason to repeatedly cheat on someone who loves you. DO NOT PROPOSE! You only have her word it stopped when you guys bought the house and at this point you have years of her lying and cheating on you to consider. The worst thing you can do is pretend it didn’t happen marry her have kids and reach your breaking point with the cheating after you have already brought a life into this world. Right now you are experiencing pain and confusion and betrayal but that’s just you…if you carry on with her and she continues this cycle after you have a kid you will be subjecting them to a similar pain you are currently feeling. As much as it hurts cut your loses.
Bruh. Get a grip.
Exactly, The time to decide about having a baby is before the fucking, Condon fail rate is 13% as many use them incorrectly. Failure rate of a condom is 2%.
You know you’re in a healthy relationship when the biggest thing you fight about is cooking herbs..!!
This is manipulative abuse in my book. Makes me wonder if she has some low level mental health issues or is she is just openly being manipulative.
Doormat ?
She cheated on you, has no remorse for her actions, and goes as far to say if you weren’t there she would have done more.
I guess I left this out of the OP (maybe subconsciously) but she was definitely remorseful.
Not that it matters too much I guess.
Thanks for your reply.
Good point. Honestly, our sex RECENTLY (like last month) has been better. But I wonder how often he checks out, and I’m grossed out by this deep need to do it at work
If he's gonna pay 1/2 the mortgage, he should get 1/2 ownership with the exception that if the house sells in the event you break up, he gets half of everything EXCEPT the amount you put down to secure the house. ?
“Not all men” except we can’t tell which ones are going to go apeshit when we say no. It’s easier to use fawning as a way of potentially avoiding harm. I don’t see anything wrong with what she did because she didn’t try to hide the interaction.
You ignore her.
You break up with her.
You tell her no and she respects your choice and leaves it at that.
You watch the food she might gift or cook for you. She might sabotage your diet.
Don’t get fat for someone. Just don’t.