Sikshalive sex stripping with hd cam

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Date: December 26, 2022

6 thoughts on “Sikshalive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I do believe partners should help each other. I want it to be long-term and serious. It just feels so soon. Like if it was a year in I wouldn't think much of it. It's also an emergency situation. So I can't blame him.

  2. Playing less isn’t the answer in this case.

    He played games as his deserved personal time and his Wife makes him feel bad for playing them and that’s unfair. She should understand he can have that time if he wants it.

  3. Should I take the baby and go stay with my parents for a little while?

    What do you think would be different when you came back?

  4. It hurts, but you've got to trust your gut honey. It would have been like a thorn in your foot, constantly digging away in the back of your mind. This was the best decision for you and you are stronger having made it.

    Be kind to yourself. Your needs matter. Your feelings matter. Your boundaries matter.

  5. You can absolutely tell him that basic hygiene, being clean and smelling good, is a dealbreaker for you.

    He can still choose not to do it.

    And you can choose if you stay or go.

  6. Double standard much? He’s not a virgin, why does he expect this of you?

    Girl. You’re educated. You’ve seen the world, so to speak. He hasn’t. He “defends” you against his close minded family about a tattoo. C’mon now. You’re headed down a submissive path where your value to him is based on your being a virgin.

    Why do you want this life?

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