Virag_Overdoselive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


6 thoughts on “Virag_Overdoselive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. They MAY have an arrangement, but if so he is an asshole for not mentioning it.

    Regardless, the wife needs to know and I'd block all contact with them after she has been informed.

  2. I can't be bothered having people infer shit about me because I don't want “casual sex”, maybe it means I don't want to be used and I am not a slave to my sexual impulse. In the end sex isn't a need but a rather intense biological desire.

  3. you sound like an awesome person to be in a relationship with, jim sounds like an ignorant asshole. I feel like there are other guys out there who would be better boyfriends more fiting for you.

  4. Idk how y’all forgive cheating. Anyone willing to cheat doesn’t care enough about you to begin with, doesn’t respect you, is selfish, lacks empathy, and is a shitty person. It takes 2 seconds to break up with someone, that’s the least you can do for the person you’re with, save them from yrs of trauma / side effects of being cheated on.

    Cheating is literally equivalent to spitting in someone’s face. It’s humiliating. How do you not respect yourself enough to walk away?

    Idk. Maybe I’m too prideful. But I’d rather get shot then get cheated on. Bc ik that shit would hurt me more!

    That’s my perspective on this. Idc about the rest of your situation, you need to reflect on the root of your problem / who she is as a person.

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