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EMMA (, ❁´◡`❁) follow me on instagram @emmalove_hg, 20 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms EMMA (, ❁´◡`❁) follow me on instagram @emmalove_hg

EMMA (, ❁´◡`❁) follow me on instagram @emmalove_hg live! sex chat

Date: December 31, 2022

18 thoughts on “EMMA (, ❁´◡`❁) follow me on instagram @emmalove_hg the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I honestly don’t know. I want to give him the chance to change how he responds to my thoughts/feelings/insecurities/fears etc. but at the same time I really do think he’s too immature to actually be in a legit healthy relationship. Especially since I had to deal with getting the cold shoulder for 3 days straight over a cat

  2. I have no idea where the assumption came from that men can control whether or not they get an erection. Furthermore, having an erection does not always mean that he is aroused.

    You were cuddling. Physical contact. That’s it.

  3. On one hand, I get needing your own space. I do. When my in laws visit, by day 2 I’m stressed out. But we don’t have an entire guest bedroom and bathroom, so it’s pretty cramped. When we visit there it’s not as bad. It usually takes 3-4 days before I’m stressed and ready to go again, no spare rooms so we’re all sharing. But I love them so we do it anyways. I think he’s being a little unreasonable. Can you find a happy medium? Say he has to work from home for a few days, and do a hotel or Air BNbB for the first 2-3 days and hang out without husband, so it’s only 4-5 days of him sharing his space. But you can’t just dig your heels in, and neither can he. You both need to find an agreement you can be happy with.

  4. Just be honest man. Say this really hurt you and that you don't want to persue this any more. Best for both parties if she knows how u felt about it, and u'll feel relieved getting this off your chest. Don't go rambling on about how u thought she was special egc. Just say you hoped something would come out of it and she hurt you.

  5. Maybe. But it meant paying $200 a month vs. $400 a month. Makes a difference when you are on scholarship monies. I have no regrets.

  6. Yup second this also seems to not be able to read normal social clues if he just assumed that he got the job and that having a massive tantrum is normal. It’s a bad combination of traits and I think this is the sort of person that under pressure can turn dangerous.

  7. I normally don’t reply to messages when I get a bunch of them for one comment, but I just wanna say that I do not condone this. Going tit for tat in this kind of situation is extremely immature and only makes things worse. That isn’t poly either, that’s two adults being childish.

  8. As a woman whose primary love language is touch I kind of resent the implication that that’s a “man thing” too.

  9. You're not alone. OP and other commenters are calling for the photographer and John's head on a spike or the guillotine treatment. Both them fools are just that, fools. There was nothing funny about the prank, and it wasn't a joke. For a whole year, OP has been stewing in this anger. I mean, his wife was not in on it, and it 'joke' wasn't true. She has validated his feelings, basically cut out dumb John, and she offered for a redo with a new photographer. However, OP isn't satisfied. Does he want them to die?! If I were OP's wife, I would be so scared to get on his bad side. He will never let anything go.

  10. People tolerate what they find acceptable. I’ll look forward to your next post in this sub, when you find out he’s been cheating on you.

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