You have to be honest with yourself, you have discovered that you are NOT into threesomes. The idea is cool, the flirting of finding a third person is exciting, but the actual doing is clearly and obviously not for you.
Lots of people like the idea of a threesome, it is a very common fantasy… But the practice of a threesome is very different. There is another person, a stranger in the bedroom, which has been an exclusive space for you and your partner. This is NOT something that “in reality” is so easily overcome, at the level of our psychology.
As to the guilt: You have found that the practice of a threesome is actually not something you are into, this revelation is NOT something you need to feel guilty about. You have done nothing wrong in discovering you are not in reality up for threesomes.
You agreed to have another man sleep with your girlfriend… if you break up with your girlfriend over that then frankly that is on you. Your girlfriend is justified in being hurt, as she was playing a game you both agreed to.
If you truly cannot get past this, accept that you are being 100% unfair, and don't have a leg to stand on. Accept that you are at fault, and learn your lesson. You will just have to be honest with your gf about this and break up. Tell her straight that you know that she did nothing wrong and that everything was agreed to, discussed, and that she even double checked that there was a green light. But your knowledge of these facts doesn't change how you feel. Also you don't have the will to fight those feelings, even though you know them to be unjustified.
You have no choice but to be honest with her, with yourself… Learn your lessons. And in the future be MUCH more careful about experimenting with other people or open relationships. Also don't assume that it would have worked if the third person had been a woman, it is far safer to assume that it would not have. Don't make the same mistake twice, that would be cause for shame.
Break up with him. I know that usually what reddit says. But he is red flag central. Calling you a lying piece of shit because you had fun without him!! Yelling and screaming because you weren't home waiting for him. He decided to take the job 4 hours away. Your life should not be just waiting for him. You did nothing wrong.
Are you sure he isn't gay, don't down vote me I have 2 gay sons
You have to be honest with yourself, you have discovered that you are NOT into threesomes. The idea is cool, the flirting of finding a third person is exciting, but the actual doing is clearly and obviously not for you.
Lots of people like the idea of a threesome, it is a very common fantasy… But the practice of a threesome is very different. There is another person, a stranger in the bedroom, which has been an exclusive space for you and your partner. This is NOT something that “in reality” is so easily overcome, at the level of our psychology.
As to the guilt: You have found that the practice of a threesome is actually not something you are into, this revelation is NOT something you need to feel guilty about. You have done nothing wrong in discovering you are not in reality up for threesomes.
You agreed to have another man sleep with your girlfriend… if you break up with your girlfriend over that then frankly that is on you. Your girlfriend is justified in being hurt, as she was playing a game you both agreed to.
If you truly cannot get past this, accept that you are being 100% unfair, and don't have a leg to stand on. Accept that you are at fault, and learn your lesson. You will just have to be honest with your gf about this and break up. Tell her straight that you know that she did nothing wrong and that everything was agreed to, discussed, and that she even double checked that there was a green light. But your knowledge of these facts doesn't change how you feel. Also you don't have the will to fight those feelings, even though you know them to be unjustified.
You have no choice but to be honest with her, with yourself… Learn your lessons. And in the future be MUCH more careful about experimenting with other people or open relationships. Also don't assume that it would have worked if the third person had been a woman, it is far safer to assume that it would not have. Don't make the same mistake twice, that would be cause for shame.
You’re NOT your brother or his partner. Be yourself. Speak up how you feel.
Ask yourself— will you stand on the altar before your bride walking slowly?
No? Break up. Give her last gift— better man who can marry her instantly.
Break up with him. I know that usually what reddit says. But he is red flag central. Calling you a lying piece of shit because you had fun without him!! Yelling and screaming because you weren't home waiting for him. He decided to take the job 4 hours away. Your life should not be just waiting for him. You did nothing wrong.
Ho (Ho) She'sa Ho (Ho) She'sa Ho (Ho) I said that she'sa ho (Ho)
Have you met him in person