I actually[25F] am getting heat for keeping my son away from my[28M] ex after he stated he didnt want him


The ex[28M] Ashton was the worst mistake I actually could’ve made I dated him for a week plus ended up pregnant he tried to pay me for illigal baby killing and I declined the money i actually left at night and never came back.

My son is certainly two months now ashton certainly not called or checked the entire pregnancy or even asked to see him which i was great with because I did not want him around right after everything he said. My buddy David helped me the whole method he’s my sons the almighty father and i let him name him after him. As being a single mother has its ups and down but i love it.

Ashton great family found out about this via instagram and kept spamming me. He commented under david’s picture with our son that i posted “imagine letting another man title my son after your pet I’ll take you to court”

Him and his parents ended up telling my parents i am “keeping a father away from his child” when ashton said he didnt desire him and could care leas what i do with him. He denied saying it and everybody is upon me for keeping my son away from him. All we said was he doesnt have your last name as well as your not listed as their father fuck off.

Listing of shit that was said: I dont want it, I’ll pay out to get rid of it, fuck both you and that baby.

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Date: February 12, 2023

10 thoughts on “I actually[25F] am getting heat for keeping my son away from my[28M] ex after he stated he didnt want him

  1. Don’t know why you downvoted me for explaining my point of view, but okay. I’ve met other people who think the same way. Attractive is a stronger word than good looking.

  2. I think i’m going to take this approach, if anything i’ll let my mom know why i’m getting the therapy, and let her sit with the guilt of what she did at least

  3. I think you need to work out if you really would like kids and if you do, would you like an active father in their lives who is about to help support you and them. If the answer is yes perhaps he’s not for you. If it’s a no then you have your answer.

  4. You should speak to a financial counselor. If he is so serious about this, he should at least get solid facts and numbers. Not to crush his soul but show him realistically his odds.

    It sounds like he is spiraling, almost like he may be manic? Again, communication is a big issue here. Couples therapy may help you discover tools in how to talk to each other and listen better.

  5. All I can say is Im of the belief that my fathers therapist is a major reason for his and my step moms divorce. It could also be who was completely deluded. But when he talked about his therapist I picked up on infatuation and putting her on a wonderful pillar and COMPARING her to my step mom. So I definitely think this sort of thing can happen

  6. Absolutely. You’re right. It’s crazy because I know I’ll get over it – I’ve gotten over heartache in the past, so ofc I’ll get over this.

  7. There's no valid reason a guy in a monogamous relationship would crave friendships from other girls. Have you seen these girls? My guess is that that are all somewhat attractive.

  8. No, they won't be solved by time appart, but I can't force her to anything, and I dont want to, I just suggested to her that with both admitting our faults and the will to work on them we could try again. But it felt a bit odd to appear suggested and then have to leave. I want to do the right thing without anyone getting more hurt

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