Gabionly on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: February 16, 2023

6 thoughts on “Gabionly on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Read his replies. The dude is completely insecure.

    That said, one issue with this discussion is everyone treating the word insecurity like it's an instant negative..

    EVERYONE is insecure sometimes. I am probably someone who would be described as completely secure in his relationships. But I still feel insecure twinges at silly little things like your partner chatting with their ex. Mixed sex friendship occasions like dinner in the op… etc

    But the difference is that I don't let my stupid lizard brain dictate what is healthy. I stop and realize I have every reason to trust her, I know what I bring to the table in this relationship, etc and then I let the insecurity pass. If the insecurity lingers I have a talk to let her know how I'm feeling.

  2. First if all, I’m so sorry that is happening to you and it must be very painful. You should definitely focus on yourself right now and try to distance yourself as many people have pointed out. But, to the people saying she’s already cheating and her reasons are bullshit, they’re not. As someone in a long relationship in her early 20s, I get where she’s coming from. I think when you grow up with another person, transition to adulthood while in a relationship, you can get the feeling that you have never truly been an adult by yourself. So I get this kind of curiosity and losing yourself in a relationship is definitely a thing. I’m just saying I believe there’s a good chance what she’s telling you is the truth.

    But nevertheless I agree that it would be healthier for you to make a clean cut and don’t hang on to the hole if her coming back.

  3. I think hiding the fact that he had a feeling that she had feelings for him, continued a close friendship with her, is a form of betrayal. There were other things he was hiding that came out after the letter situation.

  4. exactly! love you for the accurate statements.

    he is a POS isn't he?!

    poor gf of his. if its me my Glock already blown his knee caps LOL

  5. OP, body dysmorphia is a real, debilitating mental illness that doesn't get better without professional medical intervention. So get some help (because no one is going to be willing to live in the shadow of your crushing insecurities). You and this particular guy may have just been through too much to make it work. But going forward, don't destroy every relationship you have by walking this earth believing that the only way to keep a partner is to prevent them from ever looking at another woman. There'll always be someone more physically attractive than you are. But guys worth dating are looking for more than just a “perfect” body. Embrace what makes you you, and it's not the physical body you happen to be wrapped in.

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