Credit cards can be a useful tool for building credit. But in the wrong hands they can also be a useful tool for digging yourself into deep, deep debt.
If he's not 100% sure he can be responsible with it then it's better to not have one.
You wouldn’t be posting if she met all your requirements. That’s a lie you are telling yourself. Her dating history in regards to this, doesn’t change anything.
Are you even attracted to your girlfriend??? You were over her old look and hated her new look. My self-esteem would be shot to hell too
Define celebrate?
Credit cards can be a useful tool for building credit. But in the wrong hands they can also be a useful tool for digging yourself into deep, deep debt.
If he's not 100% sure he can be responsible with it then it's better to not have one.
You wouldn’t be posting if she met all your requirements. That’s a lie you are telling yourself. Her dating history in regards to this, doesn’t change anything.