Kate and Alex the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD


Kate and Alex, 27 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Kate and Alex

Kate and Alex on-line sex chat

Date: October 4, 2022

9 thoughts on “Kate and Alex the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. its inevitable. you can't ask him to stop seeing her and he can't ask you to include him in everything when she'll be a part of it as well.

    something similar but not as bad happened in my friend group. we're a group of 3 friends and we've been bestfriends for like 6 years.

    we used to tell each other everything, but one of our friends got a boyfriend 3 years ago and she physically can't keep any secrets from him. we don't blame her but now we only tell her stuff that we're fine with him knowing as well. especially anything dating related.

    we rant to each other in private when we need to and then later decide what and how much to tell her. its inevitable with adult friendships as they find their forever person.

    some things that we tell her not to tell him, she makes a point not to, but we can't do that with everything as it would hurt her feelings and its not that big of a deal for us so we just limit saying things. still extremely close with her its just this one aspect of our friendship that took a backseat

  2. do I just get my shit together and leave?

    Yes, a thousand times yes.

    You have your whole life ahead of you, the path you are on with him, will only lead you into less and less happiness. Atlwast that is how I understand your post.

  3. “I promised I wouldn't tell anybody so

    instead of telling one licensed professional,

    I decided to tell potentially millions of strangers.”

    Sure man. Sure. Whatever you say.

    But I bet it's actually cause you're afraid of discomfort.

  4. thats what I thought but when he was casually telling me he did it made me second guess myself. Apparently she asked him in person.

  5. Why would u want a ring from him? Id throw it into lava, frodo style.

    Im assuming the law is on ur side. But not sure.

    This guy’s a loser for wanting material objects back. His future divorces are gonna be this times a billion.

    Personally id give him everything of his i had and avoid any remembrance of him. Run.

  6. Literally none.

    You need to stop normalizing his behavior.

    Been with SO for 5ish years and the only time there has been yelling was when I was about to cross the street to join him on the other side and he saw a vehicle coming out of nowhere that I didn't see coming. Yelling is for things like “FIRE!” or “Watch out for that falling piano!” and not for communicating important things to your partner.

    That isn't to say they aren't disagreements or even “fights”. But we respect each other enough to not take it out on the other person and fight fairly – no raised voices, no name calling, no rude gestures (e.g. eye rolling, sighing, etc.). Being upset doesn't override love and respect for your partner.

    Quite honestly, I find his behavior alarming. The fact that neighbors can hear and he then blames you for flinching instead of blaming his shitty behavior is alarming.

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