My religious boyfriend (23M) won’t speak to me (21F) because I gave him oral


It was consensual. And yes, he did enjoy it and got off to it. Things started with me giving him a handjob, then escalated slowly by me involving my tongue which ended up with him fully in my mouth. Not once did he complain or tell me to stop. But when he finished he was pissed saying he can’t believe I’d do something as disgusting as that, and how genitals (which we use for filthy things) weren’t meant to go in our mouths (which we eat by) because “that’s something gross and unnatural”. I asked him why he remained quite while I did it if it repulsed him so much? He claimed that he was way too lost in the moment and “drunk with pleasure” that he didn’t have it in him to tell me to stop. With all due respect, it sounded a bit hypocritical to me.

For reference, he was raised in a strictly Catholic house by extremely religious parents and he’s still a practicing Christian who attends church on every Sunday, so he has a lot of interesting takes on sex. But he never shared his dislike for oral with me or else I wouldn’t have done it.

It’s been two weeks, when we met up last weekend I went back home disappointed cause he kept making weird insinuations and looked at me with disdain in his eyes. It’s clear that he thinks lowly of me now and has lost some of the respect he had. Currently, he won’t even speak to me, and when he does it’d be done half-heartedly in a weird way that leaves me feeling empty. I’m confused about this whole thing and don’t really know what to do. Any advice?

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Date: March 22, 2023

9 thoughts on “My religious boyfriend (23M) won’t speak to me (21F) because I gave him oral

  1. Thank you, I knew I wasn’t crazy lol. That’s why I was wondering why she was so upset I cut her off and took such drastic measures.

  2. What he loves is to cheat. He cheated on you with this girl and now he wants to cheat on her with you. And he'll pick up a third girl if he can and cheat on both of you. He's a cheater.

  3. Sooo weird. Wouldn’t OP and her landlord share a bed then? That’s quite an odd dynamic to introduce.

  4. You can break up with him for whatever reason you want.

    Please don't tell him it's because he's shorter than you though. Save his confidence a bit

  5. Like she did once, but it was like a quick brushing and didn't really help.

    I just decided I'm not really going to kiss her even if it's weird.

  6. He over reacted and unjustifiably… as long as the baby’s need are met it will be ok and if you pick him up instantly when he cries he will turn into a bit of a shit…lol that’s for later. I think as am a we are quite dumb and oblivious to these things but it is not really an excuse maybe have a sit down with your husband and stress your point a bit more that you have taken it more seriously than he realizes and explain that you would never do anything to hurt your child and that it is all difficult since it also sounds like you are working whilst looking after your baby which is added stress …make your self heard and make him understand hope this helps

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