KendalGrey live sex chats for YOU!


a very delicious anal? [400 tokens remaining]

Date: March 29, 2023

6 thoughts on “KendalGrey live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Jfc. Which adult in your life taught you this was acceptable when you were a child? Someone destroyed your self respect/worth and it’s an absolute tragedy.

  2. You must not have a lot of work experience if you think the default is that she's getting paid because let me assure you that there are millions of businesses that are not paying their employees who work through lunchtime.

  3. You can post that review now. The death isn't fresh, and what he did is still true. Mention this has haunted you for a year and you cannot in good conscience let him continue to operate without at least giving other people the opportunity to know who they would be hiring. Totally legit.

  4. It doesn't matter what other people have done. No one can tell you if she is going to “come back to you” or not. That is not relationship advice.

  5. Shitty of your friend to tell you 24 hours in advance. Shittier of you to feel obligated to 3 other people but not your girlfriend. They had a night to figure out their ride situation. It felt like betrayal because you chose them over her. Yes, you had a choice in that situation. Your girlfriend isn't invited to another group outing a different friend's house. Did the host specifically single your girlfriend out or was it the same friend? If different people from the same group isn't wanting her to be around. She might be the asshole. Or, your friends are the assholes.

    There is a no win situation here. However, I would like to believe 15 years of friendship can withstand someone that they don't like. Within reason of course. I would chat with the friends within the group one-on-one to get to the root of the matter. They might also be poisoning the well. So gauge where they are at and share you don't want to be forced into choosing and to keep things amicable with your girlfriend. They don't have to welcome her but they also don't need to make her feel unwelcomed.

    If not, seems like there will be less group outings in the future and maybe hang out with the people that don't have some petty vendetta against your girlfriend.

  6. Sure, if someone has waited this long to not have sex then another 12 months is not that big a deal to wait, and it gives op a better chance to see if this guy is someone they actually care about instead of just honeymoon period feelings when everything is easy.

    Just because some people treat sex casually doesn’t mean she has to.

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