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11 thoughts on “stussy3325live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Right okay. Well if she doesn’t mind chatting then I would message her and see what happens, with time I’m sure she’ll be willing to meet up if she’s interested in keeping you in her life!

  2. She gave me an option, and I chose to not attend. So yeah, she should be cool irrespective of what choice i make. Thanks!

  3. Um.

    So you're cool if she brings something nasty home, then?

    Agreeing on safe sex principles isn't “mansplaining”, it's responsible, logical and just not… dumb.

  4. Exact same feeling here

    Like what’s up with people on this thread? Lol

    Feels like this subreddit is just whatever opinion is popular first and then everyone jumps on the bandwagon for fear of losing internet points.

  5. What he meant to say is “oh god I’m cumming, fuck fuck fuck, that was awesome”

    Some people get confused after an orgasm

  6. It is not a stupid thing to discuss as this topics is really telling about people (usually men) mentality. However, you should not argue with him about your name in the future. if you get married, you should only state that you will do as you want. If he disageees, you will know for sure he consider he is the one who gets to decide in your relationship (no good news). Now, regarding your potential child's name, it is open to discussion but if you can't agree, I am afraid your relationship is doomed.

  7. Just want to mention that you can always offer to plan the whole thing yourself, if he’s up for it, could just be that he doesn’t want to bother and you involving him in the planning is the issue (unless you’ve explicitly asked this before).

    But ofc if he declines just do what most people here are saying and let him have his way.

  8. Honestly. Sounded like she is grooming you with her stories and you are sucking it up.

    Need to cut off that supply and severe the sexy chat. Maybe the friendship.

    You and husband made a monogamous commitment. He didn’t sign up for you to cheat or guilt him into open marriage. Either be classy, leave him and pursue your sexual and romantic urges or find a way to shut Pandora’s box. No pun intended. O

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