Beatzie live! webcams for YOU!



Date: October 4, 2022

12 thoughts on “Beatzie live! webcams for YOU!

  1. You are overthinking it.

    She asked you out. You two have been intimate. There is no reason to believe she is not interested in you.

  2. So as one trans man to another, its best if you leave. For both of you.

    I would also keep in mind that your mind could change, again. You mention being pre-T and some dudes feel better about their bottom dysphoria post-T, maybe then you wont want surgery. Or maybe you will. You still have so much time to determine these things.

    But your partner doesnt like dicks. Does he like MEN at all? Who is to say he wont leave if you start T and your clitoris grows in size?

    Either way, you gotta do whats best for you. Most partners are temporary in our lives but your body is stuck with you till death, might as well make it one you like and not compromise for someone who may not be around forever?

  3. I'd rather spend quality time with you

    Did he elaborate what kind of activities he considers “quality time”?

    instead of working on a CTF with you

    Could be his ego is threatened, could be he wants to keep you away from that activity cause he's hiding something, could be he thinks you have no real interest and only do it to spend time with him instead of enjoying the challenge itself.

    Either way, press him on how he thinks the two of you can share activities more since obviously, your ideas of “quality time” don't align. If they did, you wouldn't have asked about CTFs.

    Unless you're jealous of the attention he gives his ex, in which case you need to express this to him so he can understand that his behavior is bothering you. See how he reacts if you do this. If he's dismissive, he may be hung up on her and keep you away from CTFs so you don't find out how much time he's really spending with his ex. Just a guess.

  4. Ok then yeah you should break it off.

    You're just not on the same page when it comes to sex and that is an important aspect of a relationship. I wouldn't expressly say it's because we're not having sex. That just feels a bit ick.

    I think I'd just tell her that I really enjoyed hanging out and getting to know her. I think she's a great person and it's just that I am looking for something different than she is at the point in time. Wish her the best and move on.

  5. It can take time to figure out what you want. If it doesn't work out with your girlfriend, that's just life. Don't rush into something just to meet your girlfriend's timeline.

  6. Honestly man, this needs a serious conversation between you two. She's not pulling her weight when it comes to household chores and it's unfair for you to carry all the burden. You gotta remember: you're her partners, not her servant. Talk about splitting tasks fairly and set expectations for both to follow. As for your intimacy issue, the added stress of a chaotic home may be affecting your connection. Communication is key, sort out the cleaning problem, revisit the emotional and physical side of things, but carry on as a united front!

  7. Maybe he can lie to his mother and say you're broken up and visit you in secret? Abusers can kick rocks, they don't deserve the truth. Though it might help to have a back up lie and somebody who lives close by / in your apartment building to back up the lie in case her or one of her flying monkeys (NPD people always have flying monkeys) see him in the area.

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