Alice Lighthouse, 27 y.o.
Location: USA
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Alice Lighthouse
Date: April 16, 2023
Parsley, in addition to her anger issues, does your GF also show signs of having a strong abandonment fear? For example, a few months into your relationship, did she start showing strong jealousy over harmless events involving other women — or try to isolate you away from your close friends and family members? Does she view your spending time with friends/family as your choosing them over her? Does she usually hate being alone by herself?
My elderly dog sleeps in my bed with me and has since he was a puppy. My partner is allergic to dogs.
We realistically couldn't have dated before my first dog passed. He shed so much. I love my partner and I love my dog and I am still sorting out exactly how to navigate these waters.
You two are far from alone!