Maxine, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Maxine
Date: September 21, 2022
Maxine, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
You should just smash that girl who's been looking at you and it doesn't matter her job. Just do it, and understand that your SO felt the same way, and she still does. They'll stomp for dudes becoming women, but they can't even call out their own for shit behavior. Smash it.
Yeah. Caregiving is naked, and we need to engage in some degree of self-care to do it. That said, as a spouse responsible for providing care to a family member, sometimes you have to let a lot go for a long time and that's literally the deal you made when you made that whole “good times and bad” kind of commitment.
If things are taking a turn, then they're taking a turn. If they've taken 7 turns before and they're taking a turn, then I feel for you, but they're taking a turn.
If you want an escape for a bit, give your partner an escape for a bit too. Offer to care for her mom so she can have a moment away to recharge and promise to reach out and let her know if anything looks scary. Then work your ass absolutely off while you provide care when she is taking her break.
Or just accept that you are gonna fail her badly here and do what you sound like you're looking to get permission to do. But if you do that, then suck it up when she calls you out on it and take your bearings.
In a way, in my head, it's like having an expensive sex toy: there's no chances of feelings developing, no real connection and there's really no romance.
This bothers me so deeply, like the objectification. I know you clarified and explained but this is so icky to me.
You move, don't tell him your new adress, write him, that you want no contact anymore, and block him to start on-line a happy life without him
Yeah, I could see how that may be true. I hope if I ever have to do it I have the strength to. Your sharing your experience helps a lot, thank you.
I was diagnosed about 2 years ago. I had reached out to a therapist to get help with occupation related PTSD and they kinda dug it out. It’s never been a focal point of my personality. I’ve always been a bit awkward but I’m also a stoic person. I never tried separating myself from other people because of my condition. I can appreciate her finding herself. I just don’t like the attitude of “you’re dumb because you don’t know how I work”. Idk if it’s a coping mechanism or something. I definitely agree with patience though. I’m happy otherwise
My girlfriend has male friends, I’ve met them they are nice and they are all people she knew from before the relationship and has already established friendships with. I have no problem with that. The problem occurs when she starts making new friends that are giving this extreme level of interest and attention. This may sound a little sexist but the majority of men are not looking for new female friends. And they certainly arent texting those new female friends every day unless they are building up to try and sleep with them. I have friends that are women, they are all either friends of my girlfriend, girlfriends of my friend, coworkers that I only see in group settings, or friends from college. I am not going to the gym and befriending women. I wouldn’t even talk to a woman at the gym because I am in a relationship and I would assume they want to be left alone to just work out in peace. I would very suspecting of this guys intentions.
If he wants to hug me I guess I can try to change it into the awkward side hug so he can't kiss me anymore