Manalove55 live sex chats for YOU!


manalove55 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 7, 2022

6 thoughts on “Manalove55 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’m honestly not sure. She was the person who brought up the idea of going on holiday together, but at the same time going from “I’m thinking of you” to “Let’s go on a trip together, even though we’ve never met” to “You are ghosting me” within 24 hours (if I have read things correctly) is…a lot. She likely wanted to meet somewhere, where both parties could easily leave, if things didn’t work out. On a road trip, you are pretty stuck together. It is presumably also not as relaxed, as she had thought it would be. Meeting vs first trip together, is a big deal.

    Chances are, she was trying to figure out if the road trip was what she wanted and your comment then kicked her right into “NO!”.

    I’d learn and move on. It is a shame, it never happened, but sadly, that’s just dating apps. Also, don’t badger people for responses on dating apps. It pretty much never goes well.

  2. 6 years at this age is no big deal at all. She is a fully grown woman, her brain is fully formed and she hopefully has enough world experience to know how to navigate relationships. I don’t think it’s something to be concerned about.

  3. I guess so far I’ve only framed him in a negative light because I’ve pulled out things that are problematic, but I don’t think he’s a bad person. He can be considerate and has done kind things for others. But I guess you’ve raised a question I keep coming back to and is really making me question my own ethics.

  4. Sweetheart, you need to go to a trusted teacher or parent or someone and report him. He date raped you. You need to end this relationship. Do not forgive him.

    I’m so, so sorry this happened to you. This isn’t your fault; it’s entirely his. He doesn’t deserve your forgiveness, and he definitely doesn’t deserve to be your boyfriend.

    He deserves to be in prison.

  5. Yep, and if he’s attending meetings/counselling, KEEP GOING REGULARLY even if things on the whole seem better. Slippery slopes abound and wait until we are in a low/vulnerable place.

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