MISSTRESPERVERT live webcams for YOU!


come on for my cum or you scared boy come on it’s halloween

Date: October 7, 2022

12 thoughts on “MISSTRESPERVERT live webcams for YOU!

  1. Thanks 🙂 and yeah understandable, it definitely does get old and I feel like part of it is what you said trying to make me think he has someone. But yeah for sure definitely need to trust myself more too, yes he wouldn’t be with me if he didn’t want to be.

  2. To each their own.

    I had someone do this for me one time and I highly respected them for it. I appreciated their honesty and fixed the things they mentioned.

    If you are already breaking up with someone:

    Because each thing you say gives them another thing they can argue with you about and try to change your mind, or to say they can change, or to call you shallow, etc etc.

    Then don't be easy to influenced. You already made up your mind on the break up…

  3. Even at 2 years I'd still lean toward breaking up. Your lifestyles don’t match she loves her cat and you cant really on-line with them.

  4. So much for in sickness and health. But men are x6 more likely to leave an ill spouse, so not shocking… Maybe you could benefit from therapy yourself, for caretaker fatigue? But it seems like there’s bigger issues than that. You don’t think she can give you the life you want now.

    You always knew her illness was genetic. You should have known when you married her you couldn’t have biological children together. Why hasn’t adoption been floated?

    You haven’t specified what her illness is, but it’s pretty safe to say you could have made educated assumptions that it would progress. You’re considering bailing on a lifetime commitment you made. Yeah, of course it’s selfish.

  5. To be honest a kid is very expensive , So that being financially stable can also be a big excuse for not marrying for years to come

  6. Have you tried talking to him about this? It’s possible that your relationship is over, but it’s also possible that he’s just going through some stuff.

  7. Every day in a LDR is not a problem. If you were doing it instead of with her, that's a problem. I'm middle aged and single and do it every day. It's perfectly healthy, nothing wrong with you. She might need some therapy honestly.

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