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JuliaMilnlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams


8 thoughts on “JuliaMilnlive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. Move past it. Mistakes happen, and this is a minor one. She has a history, so do you, and so what?

    Beware of roadhead btw. If you have to slam on the brakes or swerve or something, she might bite out of surprise.

  2. Honestly man, you can't fault her for that. You are both young and inexperienced most likely. There are millions of other people out there who may mesh better with you than you and your soon to be ex.

    Don't take it as a hit to your self esteem either (it may sting a little) you tried all you could with her and it didn't happen, the next girl you meet may make it happen super easy, you'll never know until you find out.

    Also in my experience, if she's an ex leave her as an ex. Nothing good has ever come from me taking anyone back or asking to be taken back.

    Hope everything works out for you

  3. You can make a decision that it isn’t important to you and stop thinking about it.

    Or you can decide it is important to you and break up.

    It’s bimodal. Anything in between is going to result in emotional torture for at least one of you (by that I mean you, OP) and then you’ll resent him or he’ll resent you and you’ll break up in a nasty way.

  4. I definitely think it was the terminology and probably the timing. It wasn't right but it also is quite a…direct name for something medical.

    This isn't a conversation to be having on a morning commute either imo.

  5. “ I don’t feel like you truly respect me. You know I don’t like you hanging out with your ex, yet you continue to hurt me. I’d like you to cut off contact with him and find new friends and hang out with me more. If you can’t do that, I’m going to assume you really don’t care about my feelings and I’m going to have to reevaluate our relationship.”

  6. She probably has other things planned in mind that she prioritizes higher than yours, so it'd depend on the outcome of those other plans for her to decide whether to see you.

    Relationships need to be balanced in order for things to be the least bit sustainable. That means if she doesn't put you on her top priority, then you ideally should not put her on top priority as well. Preferably the priority would more or less match. If she usually takes 10 min to reply you messages, ideally you'd take 10 min+ to reply her as well. Being the seemingly less dominant in the relationship won't help her like you more at all (quite the opposite due to self-worth). Also, when things come to this, “don't put all eggs into one basket”.

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