We've been together 8 years, lived together for 6 years.
I recently bought a new cat toy. It's a toy that hangs from the door frame by a stretch string with a toy attached. I'm pretty cautious when it comes to my cat, I've had him since the moment he was born, I absolutely adore him and my partner does too, I think.
When its not in use I tie it up so its right at the top of the door frame, out of reach as I just had a horrible idea of my cat getting stuck and somehow hung or strangelled by it. My partner says this is ridiculous and he won't, cats are smart, but I still said this just makes me feel a little better though, I want to be around when he's playing to make sure he doesn't get wrapped up in it and hurt or panicked or stuck.
Anyway, I noticed he didn't come to bed yesterday and figured he fell asleep on the sofa. As I walked down the stairs (it was darkish just before full sunrise) I seen the cat toy wasn't tied up out of sight, and what I thought I seen was my cat, tangled up and partly hanging off the ground. In my sleepy state I actually fell down the stairs, injured my foot, and SOBBED. For about 10 seconds until I realised it was a plushy toy wrapped up in a fluffy pillow case the same colour and size as the cat.
My cat is fine, my BF was giggling in the other room. Giggling as I fell down the stairs and thought I seen my childhood pet dead, hanging there…
He thinks it's “just a joke” and “you're being ridiculous he isn't going to get hurt”.
I'm right I'm being upset right? I'm diagnosed autisic and often feel people make it out that I'm being dramatic but this time, I really don't think I am. He's never pulled a prank, we've never even argued, so I'm so hurt and confused. What did he even want to achieve? This is wrong, isn't it? Surely the most autistic of ausitic people can see this is wrong. I'm so hurt…
He's since apologised and he didn't think I'd take it so seriously but, I thought my best friend was fucking dead.