Bella, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Bella
Date: October 10, 2022
Bella, 20 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
They both have responsibilities in terms of communication. The bf can actually be more mature than this. But she is also being dismissive of his feelings and don’t trust his judgment. She gladly accepted the gift (I think this is the part the bf probably is hurt most by) and clearly intended to keep it under the naive thought “it’s kindness ! “ and that this has nothing to do with her, when how she handles this whole situation will determine the outcome.
If you accept something, you indicate you are okay with it. Just because the brother is “family” (which he isn’t really..) doesn’t mean that this bold gesture should be tolerated by her or anyone. He could have been any guy. It’ll make most partners uneasy and uncomfortable.
What's the false negative rate? What's the rate of paternity fraud? I honestly wonder how many innocent families this suggestion would destroy.
Tell him that some words are pronounced differently in the UK as opposed to the US. Both are correct. The next time he “corrects” you, tell him to stop being a bell end. Lol.
Be careful op.
Bullies very rarely end up turning over a new leaf and sticking to it regardless of how long it may have been since they did the bullying and it’s actually not uncommon for them to find ways to remain in their victims lives simply because their brain craves that feeling of having some form of power over the person they know is afraid of them.
For all you know, “current” Nina will turn out to be no different to the Nina that you remember once she thinks you’re under the impression that she’s no longer a threat and that she can start pushing boundaries.
Either way, I wouldn’t go further than just friends even if you are somehow certain she won’t slip back into her old ways.
Yeah, I’m kinda with you. I got snipped and want no parts of kids, but I did take my teenage niece and nephew in for “six weeks” (8 months).
I don’t want to be a parent but I don’t want to see anyone suffer.
Rip off that bandaid. You’re doing the right thing.
You two could just not be compatible. He doesn't seem very in too of his personal life, which is fine, but do you want to be attached to that
She’s like a chihuahua that comfortably barks at pitbulls because they think their owner will protect them lol
So in the other thread I made the point that dumping her without a conversation would be spiteful.
You had the conversation and she dumped you out of spite.
So she did you a favor.
I will never understand how people can stare at proof and deny it. Very selfish sland petty.
Can you give more details about your rekindle?