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9 thoughts on “legandarytitslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ok and you’re not even official so stop wasting your time and move on. You found someone unhinged, things happen, doesn’t mean sit there and entertain the bs.

  2. That's not true. The average age is about 26 because quite often life gets in the way and usually you get deterred along the way. Also only about half graduates have something lined up before graduating. I think saying “21 year old engineer tipped off the story as fake” is not accurate so your right there. I would say a 21 year old engineer isn't rare perse but it's certainly not common. What should have tipped this off is a 21 year old having an affair with a friend's mom and already a father all while starting their career. That just seems unlikely due to courseloads and just the grind of starting your career path.

  3. The thing with children is that “coming around” isn't ideal. Children should be really, really wanted by both parents. It's not easy to raise children, so if someone isn't enthusiastic about the thought, it's generally a big risk to put them into a parental role.

    And then there are so many other issues, with you struggling with mental health (which is also not great for a parent, both because mental health issues do often have a genetic component and because children are high maintenance) and your sex life being so bad that he declares he'd likely cheat and that you thought about opening up the relationship.

    …Yeah, this was not sustainable. Assuming he hasn't cheated already (which we don't know), he clearly has checked out for a long time. And this is on both of you. He didn't say anything, but it's also obvious that you also didn't – I mean, if you were aware of the sexual incompatibility to the point that you considered opening the relationship up, you knew that there were issues. And you said you even considered leaving before as well.

    The two of you should have gone to couples counselling a long, long time ago. You are incompatible in several key areas of a relationship (sex, children) and have severe communication issues from both sides (though certainly more on his side).

    At this point, it's too late. He is done. And, you know, it will hurt like crap for likely a long time. But in the big picture, it's been only four years. You have many more years ahead of you to find a partner with whom you are a lot more compatible than with him because, quite frankly, you didn't sound like the greatest match made in heaven.

    As for why he is acting the way he does… maybe he has really checked out since so long and he is only making it official now, at the point where there is no love left in him. Maybe he is faking to deter you from trying to stay together and make the breakup quicker so that he can find a new partner faster once you are out of his life. Maybe he is faking because it makes him sad, too, and he's scared he might give in to your begging if he shows such weakness, even though he knows the breakup is what's best for him.

    No one knows. But in the end, he hasn't magically changed. It sounds like he has always been a man not willing to talk about issues and, as such, you didn't really know what was going on with him. What you saw was, probably, a mask since quite some time. He hasn't changed – he is “just” being himself now and saying out loud what he seems to have been thinking since quite some time.

    But in the end… in my country, we have a saying which translates roughly to “You can only help people who speak up” because no one is a mind-reader. So all these issues he's blaming you on are also issues of his own making – because he didn't even try to resolve them by working on them together with you. He didn't see you as his partner/teammate; someone to trust and work with. And that doesn't work out in any relationship. Every relationship needs trust and open communication. He seemed to have neither. As such, there is no healthy foundation to save here.

  4. This is an offense to me and my diagnosed, but not medicated, ADHD self.

    I'm no slob, nor do I force my wife to ever clean up after me.

    another part of me thinks it's a cop out.

    It 100% is a cop out, and if it isn't, then she needs to go get that figured out. Yesterday.

    Sorry, OP, you shouldn't have to on-line like this.

  5. I’d wager a bet her saying she didn’t miss you was a lie to cover up her feeling rejected by your response. She missed you and she asked the question as a bid for connection. It’s fine that you fumbled that particular bid, it’s all about your repair afterwards.

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