KoronaExtra, 25 y.o.
Location: WHATER
Room subject: [3826 Left] cum
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Online Live Sex Chat rooms KoronaExtra
Date: October 15, 2022
KoronaExtra, 25 y.o.
Location: WHATER
Room subject: [3826 Left] cum
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I read a post on awhile back, very similar situation. It is not your responsibility to look after someone who has not only betrayed you but stolen from you to give presents to another woman.
It sounds like your BF has his mother with him. Tell her that you discovered he was cheating on you, you wish her son the best, but that you think its best if his mother and the woman he 'loves' take care of him.
He is using you. Do not allow him to continue manipulating and using you because he is in poor health. He survived. Now it's your turn.
All of this is spot on. I hope OP actually reads this thinks about why she's playing these games.
Good times are worth remembering but don’t forget how bad the bad times actually were and it seems like your bad times with your ex far outweighed the good times.
Also, from what you’ve posted here, you have to realize that this guy was never good enough for you and you deserve better.
If you miss being treated so horribly then you need to find a therapist who can help you understand that he isn’t worth the time spent in your head and who can help give you tools to cope and get past this. Work on yourself first and then once you come to a better place, only then seek out a more loving, caring, compatible partner.
I mean hell, it’s one date, I would go and see. If you’re attracted to him and he seems nice, then go for it. One date is not a serious obligation, and you can absolutely say no after the date. Take the date to assess his condition, and if you’re willing to continue things with him given any support/help you may need to provide him.
Also if you’re not looking for a relationship, I’d make that clear to him. He might only be dating for a relationship, and if that’s the case you should end it now.
I honestly don't get the appeal of male strippers at a bachelorette party dancing to a boombox.
Magic Mike is a different story though.
This is exactly what I was thinking when I read this post. They developed an emotional connection, and ended their sessions to continue their “friendship.”
I wouldn't be surprised if they romantically bonded over him venting/saying bad things about OP in therapy. It's a common way for emotional cheating to start, and her position would have made it so easy for him to start emotionally relying on her. The lines blurred before their professional relationship ended.
Reporting him wouldn't be on my mind as much as how I was going to leave him and recover from being cheated on.
If you want some more perspectives/advice/support from people who have been emotionally cheated on (or physical), r/SupportForBetrayed is a great community. Much love OP.