Hana-hill on-line webcams for YOU!


WET BLOWJOB [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

7 thoughts on “Hana-hill on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. People around the age of OP (and even my own, I'm a few years older and still see it happening) want the idea of a relationship without the commitment. The feeling of security and doing couple's activities is a great feeling, could even say new territory for a lot of young people. Unfortunately it's often just the idea that's attractive, not the commitments that come with it, but people will still be in denial and attempt to have it both ways. Another reason could be fear of being labelled “easy”, and having a relationship is a way of reassuring themselves that they're not a “slag” or a “player”, purely because “I'm in a relationship”. I think most of us can remember a couple that were known to constantly cheat on each other or take multiple relationship breaks but nobody said anything, it was pretty much a polyamorous relationship with extra steps.

    As others have said OP, she's not gonna change. At least not for a while. Could be a case of the right person, wrong time. Or you'll look back in 2 years time and shudder. Either way, she's not gonna change anytime soon. Do yourself a favour and keep making mistakes while you're young, get them all out of the way. Hopefully not an expensive mistake tho, lol.

  2. I ask that question too, you’re right. I think I should be kind to myself too and question myself if I have the capacity. I just wish there is a way to be there for him in a healthy friend way of his recent loss than the romantic, coddling and intimate way he is expecting and hoping.

  3. My boyfriend takes a shower as soon as he comes home. Because he feels dirty after a workday. I will never understand people who won't shower for themselves.

    Was he always like this? My ex has really bad breath and I would tell him to brush his teeth. Not just for me but for him. He would just eat some toothpaste or swish mouthwash. He wasn't like that before. He just got to comfortable and I couldn't take that.

  4. I grew up in a family like this. It gets to the point where people like that dad will start making those comments towards your children if you don't break away from them.

    Separated families are NOT “broken” families. They are happier families. Healthier families. And safer families. With better boundaries and better parenting. If you don't feel safe or taken up for while you two are together, even though you may not discuss it with your child around, your kid will eventually feel unsafe by proxy. Kids aren't dumb and a parent's problems one day become a child's burden. If you can eliminate those problems by going your separate ways then why not give your kid a happier lifestyle?

    I wish my parents had divorced sooner instead of waiting until I was 18, I spent my entire childhood in hell and scared. I was happy to get to know my parents as separate people as an adult. Unfortunately I only got a few more years with my mom before she died. So I feel we could have actually had a good life had it not been wasted on her arguments with my dad and feeling unsafe with my dads pervy family around for years.

    Leaving may be what finally makes your boyfriend grow some balls and stop letting his father perv on everyone in the world. Not saying to leave and then go back after he learns his “lesson”, I'm saying, maybe he can eventually be a better father than his own with you guys separated because right now he isn't setting a very good example for what is okay for you guys' child right now. You can either help him continue this cycle of supporting his father's behaviors or you can be the one to break free of it and be the first to say “I'm really not taking this shit and neither is my kid”.

    Because honestly, I wouldn't trust being home alone with a father in law like that. He sounds like he's building up to sexual assault or something, it's honestly scary. Whatever you do just be safe please because that's a scary guy.

  5. Then it seems like there isn’t a problem then.

    Has your OCD has burnt a neural pathway that won’t let you rest. I don’t know anything about how to ease intrusive thoughts in an OCD brain. I saw a psychologist for a while a few years ago. She taught me useful tool for calming intrusive thoughts. I’m happy to share my cut and paste description if you think it will be of use.

    I don’t know if you’re a minor. If you see a psychologist bringing this up might trigger mandatory reporting. Make sure you know what will happen if you mention this with a view of getting help with managing intrusive thoughts.

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