Crazypervert live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 16, 2022

18 thoughts on “Crazypervert live webcams for YOU!

  1. When you’re doing it enough so that other people are pointing it out you have something going on. People notice when people are attracted but they don’t feel the need to comment all the time. So why do you feel the need to it doesn’t make you look good. I would examine how you feel and what your motives are think the creepy guy is that do that about women. I certainly wouldn’t want to be your girlfriend.

  2. Miscarried October 5th and pregnant again 3 weeks later. When I miscarried it was a blob, lol. It was a bunch of cells- you can’t even call it a baby at 5 weeks, that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt physically or emotionally. But thanks 🙂

  3. That is understandable, you can try to see what his school offers in terms of therapy and begin enforcing better behaviors with him. Another cheaper option is to begin reading some literature on this subject to help familiarize yourself with these issues. Understanding the extent of a problem is one of the first steps to solving it ?

  4. Why can’t I get everyone to be kind?

    Because that's not how life works.

    The people around you are not robots. It's not that, if you treat them kindly, they will just automatically treat you with kindness in return. How you treat other people is always a choice. Every single instant of every single day, you are making that decision based on who the person is, how you feel about them, how they've treated you in the past, how you treat them in the past, etc.

    And some people are always going to choose to be mean, regardless of what treatment they receive beforehand. Why? Because some people are assholes. It's really that simple.

    So what do you do? You walk away with your head held high. The thing you need to keep in mind about life is that you don't control how other people act, you can only control how you act. So if you did what you considered to be a good job and the other person doesn't respect or acknowledge that, eventually you accept that they're just assholes and there's no pleasing them. You've done your part to make the world a better place. If someone else chooses, makes an active decision, not to reciprocate, that's on them, not you.

  5. We aren’t married btw, just parents who are boyfriend and girlfriend, but that is still not an excuse to cheat obviously.

    I will talk about couples therapy to her so she can trust me again.

  6. It's not insecure, it's refusing to be disrespected.

    I wouldn't tolerate that either, I would dump her and move on.

  7. Yep! Literally used to do this at bars when I had a male roommate. Any dude who got aggressive or insecure was an automatic no go.

  8. Well don't ever use your own life experience to give advice. I used the 50yr old comparison because if I picked clubbing over the relationship I was saying that I want clubbing for life over a life partner. Some people are very short sighted when in relationship and want what they want without thinking of the future.

    No where did I say only women change for the relationship. Your adding to my comment that isn't there. My husband changed for me in certain aspects of his life as I changed for him.

    If your with someone that your not willing to work with or change certain behaviors then they aren't for you. Both people in a relationship need to be flexible. And as I've said twice now the BF and OP are in different stages in life. She is under 25 he is over 30 OP may realize that she wants a bf in the Sam stage as her or that she is more flexible then you are for her relationship. Seeing as how in her update she decided to be flexible seems like she thinks he's worth working with.

    Also if the gender was reversed I would be giving the same advice. I don't give different advice by gender. I actually believe gender shouldn't even be brought up on any of these just should be ages. But honestly I'm done with this conversation with you. We have differences of opinions on how to have healthy relationships where I believe compromise and you believe you never have to change anything about yourself or behavior in a relationship. But that's the great thing about the world everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and beliefs.

  9. This is absolutely spot on. I'm not sure where you'd go from here op. You obviously want to be cautious you don't make him feel criticized for becoming exactly who you said you needed.

    Maybe seeing a counselor together with a focus on rebuilding the trust in your relationship, confiming that you guys have recommited to each other, and giving you both a safe space to talk about how he doesn't need to be quite so rigorous in maintaining this new standard.

    He's shown that the areas he used to disregard he is now very conscious of, and then some, so hopefully you can reassure him that you trust there won't be a backside into how things were before, that you can see his new perspective and the work he has put into himself has guaranteed that won't happen.

  10. If he’s so great and wonderful, give him some credit here. If he didn’t want to be with you or thought you weren’t good enough, he… wouldn’t be with you. You need to focus on practicing self-love! A degree means nothing in your relationship- for EITHER of you. You’re with each other for who you are as individuals, I should hope. Let that be enough.

  11. Maybe he will get over his embarrassment if you tell him that you see therapy as the only chance you have of repairing your relationship – and even then it's not a sure thing. I'd actually tell him that his behavior has permanent consequences, and that his apology doesn't change how his initial outburst affected you and changed your feelings for him.

    And from everything I've read on Reddit or heard from friends: children growing up with happy divorced parents are usually better-adjusted than children growing up in an abusive household with two parents who dislike each other and are on permanent warfare.

  12. They always do.

    I agreed to a open relationship with my wife's affair partner and now she's left me for her.. boo hoo ?

  13. Time to 'accidentally' jolt. Preferrably where it hurts.

    All it takes is one solid headbutt and you will either be single or left alone.

    Does he disrespect you in other ways?

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