Lucy the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Lucy on-line sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

10 thoughts on “Lucy the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Buy the house without him. He helped pay the down payment, sure. But don’t waste it. Take it and move forward and find someone that knows what he wants. You and your kids deserve that!

  2. Invest your time somewhere else, especially because it means that the relationship is so young that he won’t waste his time.

    I started dating my now husband at 20. He told his parents about me at 28. His parents were looking for a partner for him and he said, sorry I cannot marry anyone because I am with Eymona. They were disappointed and devastated. They even told him that they would not online with us when they were of old age because they didn’t want to live! with a white girl. He stuck to his guns, and eventually they accepted it. We were engaged shortly and married 9 months later. Sometimes Indian is parents also need to be put in their place.

    Honestly, as much as I love my husband if I had the chance I wouldn’t do it again. Staying with someone who might not be able to marry you, investing your time and your emotions is a huge gamble.

  3. Jesus fucking Christ lady.

    Buy yourself the fucking label making machine.

    He got you a book by your favorite author, an accessory for a hobby you’ve started enjoying, and an ornament from a brand you actively collect and he gave you a rare collectible funko pop that you admired.

    And you’re upset that he didn’t SPOIL you? All while you’re making a HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS more a year than he is????

    Do you realize how lucky you are? That your partner not only has taken an active interest in YOUR interests but internalizes it and remembers it and gifts you things associated with your interests? Those gifts are personal and well meaning.

    You wanted to be spoiled by a man who, if he lived alone, is BARELY above the US federal poverty line?

    Do you have ANY idea how ungrateful and childish you sound?

    Imagine how he fuckin feels right now? Spent time getting these thoughtful gifts, probably already feeling inadequate since the monetary value of the gifts is far exceeded by the monetary value of the gifts you gave him, and then you have the audacity to COMPLAIN, apparently to the point that he felt so bad he had to go out and buy the little shitbird gift you wanted?

    YOU feel unappreciated????? Holy fuck imagine how he feels right now.

  4. This can only be fixed if you want to give him the chance to show he's not a deadbeat anymore. If you decide to go that route, for your own health, make sure you don't allow the poor behavior to continue and give him a short leash. He either gets it together or you start planning for your next steps in life.

  5. Sometimes “no, you are wrong” is all you need to know. Plenty of people have explained that you are insecure and jealous. You are either going to accept it or not.

  6. Honestly it’s probably a soft no. It’s likely she did see something in you but then met someone else and it became a matter of timing. If she gives a hard no— she doesn’t know if she would be homeless, if you’ll wreck her shit and act crazy— or if you’ll just outright ignore her and she loses a friend and landlord.

  7. Well I'm not sure why you decided to internalize a comment that wasn't even left for you, wasn't particularly controversial, and rather a lot of people agreed with. Congratulations on your healthy relationship with your parents!

  8. You ommitted the fact that he was ADDICTED. That's completely different from what you posted.

    That being said, he's struggling with an addiction. You shouldn't add more issues to his plate. He doesn't need to also handle your emotions while he's dealing with an addiction. Take this as time for you to BOTH work on yourselves.

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